Wifey and I were out for dinner with another couple when the local FAA Inspector and fellow club member stopped by, I didn't know he also knew my friend that owns a local foreign car repair shop. They chatted a minute, then he asked if I had talked to Bob lately. Not for a week or so.....
Few days later I saw Bob, his wife had just undergone surgery for removing a breast lump. Oy. Then he told me his son had an accident. OMG. Son is moving to California, wife is back home, he's setting up the new apartment. Lugging boxes back and forth he locked himself out. No worries, the second story window is open so he started climbing.
Almost made it too.
He fell the two stories and landed on a fence. Do you know what a "taint" is? That's where he got impaled. The first surgery was to clean things up and see what we got and also rebuild his Urethra, there will be another.
Hopefully that old Wives' Tale about bad things happening in threes is incorrect!