I know your big, watery, cheesy heads are incapable of an original thought, but waving yellow towels around? Really? You 'Fargo' sounding, mouth-breathing dumb berkeleys had better be awfully happy we don't play each other during the regular season, otherwise you might find someone testing the
tensile strength of those things, assuming one could even fit around your fatass neck.
I'm guessing poop's not a Packer fan.
9/8/11 8:29 p.m.
Go Packers. There, I said it
i was totally lost at first. i came in here expecting an eBay rant.
9/8/11 8:36 p.m.
Still sore from February's beating, eh, Poop. You LOST get over it.
Overpaid, padded up, 30 second at a time footballers, go downunder and watch a real game.
AFL rulz
hey Poopmeister, harden the berkeley up
Posting while drunk is never a good idea.
stuart in mn wrote:
Posting while drunk is never a good idea.
Try it, it's the ONLY way to post... from work.
ST_ZX2 wrote:
Still sore from February's beating, eh, Poop. You LOST get over it.
Still sore from 4-incher berkeleying you, eh cheesetard? Get an IDENTITY!
9/8/11 8:59 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
ST_ZX2 wrote:
Still sore from February's beating, eh, Poop. You LOST get over it.
Still sore from 4-incher berkeleying you, eh cheesetard? Get an IDENTITY!
My Identity: 13 Time World Champion. Yours: less.
9/8/11 9:09 p.m.
ST_ZX2 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
ST_ZX2 wrote:
Still sore from February's beating, eh, Poop. You LOST get over it.
Still sore from 4-incher berkeleying you, eh cheesetard? Get an IDENTITY!
My Identity: 13 Time World Champion. Yours: less.
hahahahsahahahahahahahaha! Yes!
Look on the bright side poopy, Rothlisberger didn't rape anybody this off-season. At least you guys have that going for 'ya.
ST_ZX2 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
ST_ZX2 wrote:
Still sore from February's beating, eh, Poop. You LOST get over it.
Still sore from 4-incher berkeleying you, eh cheesetard? Get an IDENTITY!
My Identity: 13 Time World Champion. Yours: less.
Yet you still envy Pittsburgh (obviously.) Must be a stockholm thing.
Go back to the foam helmet. It suits you upper midwestern mouth-breathers, and absorbs the cow ejaculate better.
9/8/11 9:27 p.m.
Us "upper midwestern mouth-breathers" kicked your ass in February and we'll happily do it again this year. Now go take your terrible towel and wipe away your tears, you girl. 13>5, and that's all you need to know.
Aaron Rodgers, lighting it up for my fantasy team, OH YEAH. Just need him to throw a TD to Finley and it will be a perfect game.
Cindy Crosby is a Crybaby
You caught me. I am eating a Primanti bros. Sammich while berkeleying 'steeler gold escort' s dad in the ass at the blue oyster bar. I should stop now. Seriously with the berkeleying towels though?
9/8/11 10:18 p.m.
Poop, you just oooze class. Way to represent.
ST_ZX2 wrote:
Poop, you just oooze class. Way to represent.
It's how you know he's a real steelers fan.