7/4/09 12:10 a.m.
Checking back into this, I remember one incident at an old job where this little kid was off doing his thing around racks of bicycles while his parents weren't looking.
He proceeds to tear a 4-bike display down (lord only knows how), it crashes to the floor, he starts crying and his mom immediately says "you didn't do anything wrong!!!"
I dunno who I wanted to lob a grenade at more--the kid or the mom.
Yay retail. 
It slipped my mind, about relatives' families. My Aunt and Uncle have three girls, two of which are twins. Their older daughter is generally quiet, reserved and very well-behaved. The twins, on the other hand, are wild and unruly. I think my aunt and uncle didn't know how to control them and gave up, after being spoiled by a "good" child.
They were at our new (to us) house shortly after we moved in. At the time, the twins were about 9 years old. They were running across the couch and jumped on an inflatable thing from IKEA. I raised my voice, "Don't jump on the furniture!" I think that shocked my uncle, who was in the room with me. He quickly corralled them, and they shortly left. They haven't been here since.
east coast Mojo gets 2546231545 points for using "Grump" as a noun in as much as it is a thing that can be given to someone else