Last weekend I built a shelf for my wife out of old corvals and barnwood. Fastforward a couple of days and there is wood dust under the shelf. Can't reproduce it by banging on it at all. There are old termite holes in it. So I took it down out of the house for now and it is in a trash bag. Any suggestions on how to fumigate it without having it smell afterwords?
It appears the answer is to set it on fire then immediately put it in the freezer. Seriously though id put it in the freezer
Assuming it is a black kitchen trash bag, tie a knot in it to seal it and put it in the full sun for a few days.
Powder post beetles. Not sure how to treat but you don’t want them in the house.
I have no idea, but thank you for this thread title.
5/16/18 6:13 p.m.
If powder post beetle, heat to a core temp of 133* for 30 minutes.
Since getting the core temp may be a problem, extend the time - 150* for 6 hours will kill them for sure.
We have old barn board on our walls as the house was built with remains from a horse barn in the 70's. Powder posts can lay dormant then just wake up. Fine wood powder is the clue. Called an exterminator who put on some chemical. That was about five years ago. No problems.
conesare2seconds said:
Powder post beetles. Not sure how to treat but you don’t want them in the house.
We had those in our brand new floors 23 years ago- chemicals saved the day. And the rest of our furniture.
Well to come full circle on this, I ended up putting the shelf in black trash bags with a rag soaked in bug killer and let it it in the sun for a couple days. It seems to have done the trick. Thanks for advice!
The supports should fit in the microwave if it turns out thats where the critters were/are lurking.