Suddard household history. This made Tim insanely jealous, so he rushed to the Berzerkeley and...
... because ashes are easier to store than an entire car. Then, Tim took his M3 to
The Ring and set the record, in reverse with a....
....trunkload of rabid armadillos howling at the..... on JG's head which took revealing pictures of...
2/16/09 4:37 p.m.
their once-secret, underground, excessive, armadillo party-lifestyle. As well as uncovering their plot to...
force clean coal on the people and take down...
Big Oil and make them Little Oil so everyone can...
Ride electric superbikes in the
Sprockets Challenge, an event meant to promote...
.. the safety of homeless kitty cats. You know how hard they are to get rid of once....

they get firmly attached to...
boobs and beer. Then the only way to get rid of them is to...
....throw bacon on them and let in a pack of starved miniature poodles.....
whose groomers are actually brittish trained pigmy ninjas. Their secret weapons are hairspray bottles filled with...
Chuck Norris's sweat that will...
roundhouse kick your hair into position.
the weird thng was how the pigmy ninjas collected Chucks sweat in the first place. As we all know, the only thing that makes Mr. Norris perspire is...
Type Q
2/17/09 11:45 a.m.
...a request from Margie to help build a patio. That and...
being threatened with 8 1/2 months inside Octomoms...
After those threats Chuck, sweating profusely, lost his temper and roundhouse kicked...
the Stig, or atleast he tried to. But some say...
he was distracted by a little kitty...
... or was it a little Bob Costas?...