You can use the star rating to compare cars of a similar size and weight to each other, but what about to a different size? A fit has a 5 star rating, and (I think, let's pretend it does for the sake of discussion) so does a new Ford Explorer. Obviously in identical crashes you would be better off in the explorer, if for no other reason the bumper is further away from you, lol. Or, say an Impreza vs legacy. Both 5 star, but the rating company says to only compare to cars in the same class.
What I'm trying to say is would a 5 star compact compare to a 4 star midsize? A 3 star full size?
Now I'm not talking about accident avoidance (give me my Miata for that) just straight up crash safety.
Any ideas?
Mass matters. I'll take the advantage of big over clever (to a point). I keep hearing how good a Smart for2 is in an accident but the hits tested are always single car affairs. I'd suspect in a head on with a Suburban the results would be.....icky.
5/7/15 9:09 p.m.
Aren't the ratings based on potential occupant injury? So, wouldn't they, theoretically, be the same?
You would think so? But it always says to only compare to other cars in its size class.
the Smart is tricky.. it is built very strong to use the other car's crush zones to protect it's occupants.. what it does when it hits an immovable object is not pretty.
New Reader
5/8/15 7:23 a.m.
I hate it but you cant beat physics.
Remember this crash test between a Smart car and Mercedes C300?