Started putting this in the "minor rant" thread, but I realized this has left me more off kilter than that.
Had a weird and frustrating situation with a friend yesterday. Feeling a bit like maybe a bad friend balanced against a lot of, "Dude. WTF?!?"
TL;DR - Skipped a friend's "Going Away" party who seems to be moving back to Africa and pretty sure leaving 2 kids behind in the U.S. after waiting an hour in front of a stranger's house and having him not show up, only to have him text us over 2-hours after the party was supposed to start.
Decent friend, but not terribly close. Used to be my nextdoor neighbor. He moved to a different neighborhood to get his son into a particular school. Since then, we've gotten together a handful of times but obviously don't see each other and interact on the regular. Didn't see each other all of covid.
On Friday, he texts me inviting me (no mention of my wife) to his Going Away Party. Um... what? He's going "back home", to Benin. (He'd moved here; got married; had 2 kids; became a U.S. Citizen.) No mention of *why*. No mention of his wife or kids. The party invitation only mentions *him* going away. So... right away, I'm confused.
Party was yesterday. Wife and I arrive a bit after 3pm, when the invitation says the party starts. Get to the house and see NO signs of a party there. There is one car in the driveway, and no others in front of the house. We do not know the guy and feel a bit weird about inviting ourselves as the only guests into a stranger's home (also I forgot my mask, although I'm vaccinated).
Call my friend to see what's going on, if maybe the address is wrong or something. He's apparently at his mother's (or someone's) house still prepping food for the party. Says he'll be there in about 35 minutes. Says we should invite ourselves into his friend's house because he told him that there'd be some people coming over he doesn't know. Wife and I decide to wait in the car instead of inviting ourselves into a stranger's house as the only guests.
We wait about 50 minutes. No one else shows up. It's now 4pm, an hour after the party was supposed to start. We decide to go home. We both need a drink, and some food.
A bit after 5pm my friend texts us saying they're at the house now. We're a couple drinks in and are heating up dinner in the oven. Wife has no plans to go, but is fine if I want to. I decide not to go, and we stay in and watch a movie. After the movie, I see he texted me at 6:30, asking if I would be coming, it would be nice to see me. I texted back asking how much longer he would be in town.
This situation bothers me, and I'm trying to work it out. I'm not angry at him for being 2 hours late. Cultural differences about time, so I don't consider that being really disrespectful. Being told "35 minutes" and having it be 2 hours later is a bit frustrating.
The biggest thing that's bothering me is, "Dude, wtf about your KIDS?!?" I've got no details, but it sure sounds like he's going to Africa and leaving his kids here. After that, I am bothered about being put in a position where he expected us to invite ourselves into a stranger's house as the only guests. If a party had gotten started, and we didn't know anyone, and he was 2 hours late because Africaine time, I could get that. The idea of sitting in a stranger's living room for 2 hours bothers me. Plus the general weirdness of a party with strangers while Covid is still a thing, even if we've been vaccinated.
So, I feel a bit like a bad friend. But also feel like he put me in that position. I did what was asked of me and showed up to be supportive, and he wasn't there.
At this point, I think I'm going to offer to get together and have a beer or something some afternoon before he leaves. Just hang out 1-on-1 for an hour since I skipped the party.
I'm weighing if we should reach out to his wife and ask *her* wtf is going on. Pretty sure there must be some sort of split, because she's white American, and I would have expected her to have gone ahead and showed up on time to play host.