My new boss has seemed a bit strange. I understand that some people like their jobs (I don't mind mine) and some people like to be kept busy.
When I was chatting with him today, and he had a doctors appointment to get some "retinal migraines" looked into, plus he mentioned high blood pressure, it started to be a bit clearer, but then when he mentioned he hadn't had a vacation in 3 years (the dude is mid 50's, well established, earns decent coin), and was complaining about how he can't get ahold of anybody at the office (government-ish, lots of time off), it finally dawned on me:
dude is a workaholic.
Never met one before in my life. He spends innordinate amounts of time here, time that will not be compensated and furthermore time that doesn't get him any further ahead as the professional bonuses and perks are fairly well regulated (and he isn't high enough up in the governmental ladder to get any nice back door deals). He lives to work.
Blew my mind. Good for him if that makes him tick, bad for me as he is making my life miserable micromanaging everything.