This place could use a pick me up, we've been through a lot as a community lately that hasn't for once been due to our own short sightedness, stubborness, or indifference. So let's see everyone's pups, past and present are welcome. And share what you love about them, their funny quirks, habits and of course the incredibly stupid things that they manage to do.
Good call. Are cats allowed too? 
We can allow kitties, rabbits and turtles as well.
I've used this pic before, but it's too appropriate for teh setting not to re-use:
Daisy helping take the snow tires off: 
Daisy's a rescue, she was the runt of the litter. Here's she is when we got her (this is ~a month before the tire changing pic):

And here she is most of the way grown hanging out in Lake Superior, complete with recent shaved spoit from being bit by another dog:

Left to right: Montague (Alaskan Malamute); Mac (Australian Shepard); Brandy (Saint Bernard);

All three of them are gone now but Monty and Mac were brought home after my grandparents passed. Took a number of pounds off of them, Mac lost nearly half his weight, and they lived for about 6 and 7 years respectively afterwards. Mac had some kind of growth on his right lower K9 tooth and had half of his jaw removed. Tongue stuck out permanently afterwards but he did pretty well for a number of years.
Brandy, named because my brother thought they carried toilet paper in that barrel, lived to be about 12. A box of rocks would give her a run for her money in a game of wits but she liked people and was generally fun to have around the house.
Semi-Current photo of Tucker the half off, $45, adoption dog.

Tucker is supposed to be a 35 lbs Australian Shepard / Australian cattle dog mix. Hes actually a 75 lbs bundle of energy, intelligence, and hatred for trespassers. Seriously I don't think I've ever had a smarter dog, even Mac who I thought was the apex of K9 intelligence.
Tucker was a bait dog that the shelter found abandoned in the desert when I was working in Ft. Huachuca. They fixed him up but he was too high strung, and a velcro dog, for a few people that tried to adopt him before and ended up being returned. My wife and I adopted him and, after having an issue with him getting too big and dragging her a number of feet down the road, sent him off to be professionally trained by a group in southern California (who I highly recommend if you are anywhere near the LA area.) What we got back was a confident well mannered intelligent dog who loves his people, especially his tiny human girl. Seriously don't ever try to get near the baby with the dog around if you're not invited, bad things happen.
I've got a bunch of stories about him, mostly funny, but we also don't get unexpected visitors anymore due to a few of them.
OK I can add to this. I have two, one a chocolate lab, one a german shepard.
The lab is a 8yo 100lb puppy. Complete spaz if he gets excited, otherwise he sleep on the couch all day.
Shepard is a spaz all the time. Hes sweet, but hates other dogs. Get the two together and its a nightmare... One barking and wanting to say hi and play, the other freaking out and wanting to kill. Makes walks fun 

took them backpacking.

dead dogs.

he likes anything remotely ball shaped.

He just wants to roll in it.

Samson (SAM) the super dog:

And Delilah (Lila):

Physically, Cole is 70 pounds of pure muscle and teeth, a pit/lab mix who is fast as hell, can jump fences and is as strong as an ox. Mentally however, he is afraid of everything, sweet as an angel, loves everyone, is submissive to a fault and the best dog I have ever had. Here he is doing what he does best, sleeping around the house. (in my daughter's pink saucer chair no less)

12/10/15 11:25 a.m.
oldtin wrote:
This is Fern
All I can see when I look at this is Falcor from The Neverending Story
12/10/15 11:36 a.m.
Here's one that we adopted but had to return because my son was VERY allergic to the flea treatment. We miss Indy
And this one I've posted before. It's Cody playing with her best friend, our crazy cat.
Been thinking about getting another dog, this thread may just push me over the edge.
This is our dog Holly. We rescued her in March of 2014, and she's a Pit mix of some sort (Boxer? Shepherd? Alien? I have no clue...) She's an AKC Canine Good Citizen, and a complete goober.

Just last weekend, while running with one of her dog friends, we discovered that she learned how to float. 

Past dogs...
My old buddy Ramses, the 230 lb. English Mastiff. He was the best, most gentle dog ever. We rescued him when he was 5, and we only had 3 years with him.

This is Tank, my parents' English Bulldog. Another rescue (notice a theme?) and he is a fat little bag of farts. He's the most stubborn dog I've ever had. 

I like this thread!
This is Bear, my Aussie Shepherd/Lab mix.

These pics are from the day I brought him home back in February, so he's grown just a bit since then. I'll add some more recent ones tonight when I'm home on my tablet. He's probably somewhere in the 65 lb range now and is a smart, athletic, super high energy little shiny happy person. He wears my patience thin sometimes (often), but never fails to put a smile on my face at the end of the day. He'll be 1 this Saturday.
This is my rescue pup Bella. Not exactly a pup because she is 5 years old, but sweet as pie. Went to the shelter to get a cat, got distracted by her adorableness. Never thought I would own a Pit either, but so glad we do.

Here she is viciously attacking my daughter-

And cuddling with her hooman (me).-

This is Patches, my girl, whom we lost earlier this year. She was the epitome of man's best friend and always at my side. I feel like I have lost my shadow. I have slowly been considering a new friend for Cole, but it's not right yet.
12/10/15 12:22 p.m.
One of these is coming home with us in six weeks.

Hey, that sign specifically shows a German Shepard. We're ok!
12/10/15 1:10 p.m.
I've had a dog since I was 4 years old until I left my parents at 26. It feels strange not to have one now that I'm an adult, but I also barely feel like I have enough time for myself, much less an animal that needs to get out more often than me. If I was self-employed I'd probably have one though.
java230 wrote:
OK I can add to this. I have two, one a chocolate lab, one a german shepard.
I see you have packs. Daisy has a pack, and she mostly loves it because she knows it means gong somewhere cool. However, she never really adjust to being wider, and runs into trees all the time. Did your dogs ever figure this out?
PHeller wrote:
I've had a dog since I was 4 years old until I left my parents at 26. It feels strange not to have one now that I'm an adult, but I also barely feel like I have enough time for myself, much less an animal that needs to get out more often than me. If I was self-employed I'd probably have one though.
As much as I wish you could have a dog, I'm glad you think that way. Far too many people who don't have time for a dog get one anyhow.
No dogs, only classy business cat. Ursula Underfoot, CEO.