7/8/15 4:16 p.m.
former inmate’s untreated six-day erection while locked up in The Tombs has climaxed in a $750,000 settlement from the city.
He should have gone to trial. I think a jury would have given him more money.
Rodney Cotton, 50, reached the six-figure deal on the eve of going to trial.
He claims he suffered “permanent injuries to his penis” and “loss of function” due to the negligence of doctors at the Manhattan Detention Center and correction officers who ignored his pleas for help.
I don’t understand…what section of the penal code was violated???
Was he a top or bottom to maintain one for 6 days?
It is a hard knock life, after all.
I still don't understand the problem. That was me for most of my early teens.
Rodney Cotton said:
“If I had the choice between the reward and having my manhood restored, I’d have my manhood restored in a heartbeat,”
This guy must get A LOT of action....I'd have to spend a few days thinking about it.
Appleseed wrote:
I still don't understand the problem. That was me for most of my early teens.
Well, when the dick pill commercials say something to the effect of "...longer than 4 hours, see a doctor...". They're kinda understating it, that's bad, like might fall off bad.
7/8/15 7:26 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
I still don't understand the problem. That was me for most of my early teens.
Well, when the dick pill commercials say something to the effect of "...longer than 4 hours, see a doctor...". They're kinda understating it, that's bad, like might fall off bad.
It's a biologically intentional loss of circulation. If it goes on for too long, not only does the tissue starve for oxygen, but the blood can clot if it's stuck there which is also really bad.
I heard that when you seek medical attention, they lance the blood out. Still better than the alternative.
In reply to Knurled:
I believe a large needle is employed, but yeah, beats breaking or losing it.
7/8/15 8:07 p.m.
"Sir, we are going to take your industrial-grade Raging Woody and release the blood. And by release we mean extract. And by extract we mean jam a freakin' huge needle in it. It's more of a hollow railroad spike actually. Dr. John Henry is attending your case."
"It's that or we cut the festering remains of your hootus off after it goes gangrenous."
Zoo York, thankyou for keeping the animals amused Wally. And off the 81.
Having an erection while in prison is the most embarrassing and simultaneously scary thing ever.
captdownshift wrote:
Having an erection while in prison is the most embarrassing and simultaneously scary thing ever.
Unless you're using it to assert dominance.
He should have used it to chisel his way out of that joint. The hole in the wall would have to be the shape of a magnifying glass so he could actually fit through it though.
In reply to Junkyard_Dog:
Nope. No whale penis.
The treatment is less "giant needle" and more "small needle injecting clot busting/blood thinning drugs into lots of spots on your hootus".
Seen it once in the ER, that was enough.
7/9/15 7:58 a.m.
Wally, "Doing Hard Time" ... I missed it the first time. Nicely done, again.
7/9/15 12:17 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
The treatment is less "giant needle" and more "small needle injecting clot busting/blood thinning drugs into lots of spots on your hootus".
Seen it once in the ER, that was enough.
Never underestimate the GRM braintrust. Never.
7/9/15 3:03 p.m.
In reply to KyAllroad:
Any needle going into the hootus is about this size