Ian F
6/29/15 7:21 a.m.
In reply to NOHOME:
Oh, I've definitely noticed as have many others.
IMHO, this is side effect of our political system, which has become an essentially two-party affair with no hope of ever changing. The USA is not really a Democracy as much as we like to spout off that rhetoric. It's really more of an Oligarch Republic, which is arguably what our Founding Fathers intended.
As mentioned previously, the POTUS only has any significant amount of power if his party happens to control Congress as well. Even then, that power tends to be limited unless there are uncommon circumstances (like 9/11) where everyone rallys around the Pres. This doesn't happen very often and then we go back insignificant and pointless bickering.
The oligarchs only care about money, so all of the social issues are really nothing more than political fluff as far as they're concerned. These are issues that generaly don't concern them so they'll throw bones back and forth to keep The People distracted from the real issue of making money.
The sad fact is things will have to get a LOT worse before there is ever any hope of things really changing. A LOT worse. And the oligarchs who really have power will never let that happen. They'll give general populace just enough to keep them content, if not happy. But content enough that few are willing to die in the name of change.
So to be honest, I don't really fear a Trump Presidency any more than I'd fear a Sanders, Hillary or any of others. What they'll actually be able to do is limited, even if they have the control of Congress.
6/29/15 10:57 a.m.
Ian F wrote:
So to be honest, I don't really fear a Trump Presidency any more than I'd fear a Sanders, Hillary or any of others. What they'll actually be able to do is limited, even if they have the control of Congress.
Sadly I agree. So, why not just hire the next actor that walks down the street and give him the job for life? I mean, the new job description should read "Show up and don't get shot." Its pretty much been proven over the last half dozen POTUSs that it does not matter anymore who sits in the chair. As a bonus the population can finally stop bickering.
If it makes people happier, make him pull a paper out of a hat with the word "Republican" or "Democrat" every four years and change his tie. Think of all the money that would be saved.
6/29/15 11:18 a.m.
In reply to NOHOME:
Because while you see money being saved the campaign industry sees money being lost.
turboswede wrote:
That was really strange.
If Trump had said something along the lines of “men that illegally immigrate to the US have a XX% greater incidence of committing rape than those that are here legally” and he could back up his claim with a credible study, we’d have a nice faceoff.
The PC folks would lose their minds as they refuse to allow anything negative to be said about an underdog regardless of the validity…Trump could further promote his “I don’t give a E36 M3, it is what it is” brand…it’d be a nice faceoff.
Instead, Trump used language that implies he thinks all illegal immigrants are rapist which of course is ludicrous and can easily be disproven.
Usually when a public figure says something salacious, they first pause and take a breath because they know they’re about to produce a sound bite that’ll become infamous. Trump just walked right into making the comment as though he literally didn’t realize he was saying something that’s wildly antagonistic.
It was really strange and I still don't get it.
In reply to RX Reven':
Um, its Trump. Dude has no filter between his random thought generator (it isn't a brain) and his mouth. Honestly, I think his hair has become sentient and is slowly destroying the host and we get to watch it publicly.
turboswede wrote:
In reply to RX Reven':
Um, its Trump. Dude has no filter between his random thought generator (it isn't a brain) and his mouth. Honestly, I think his hair has become sentient and is slowly destroying the host and we get to watch it publicly.
Sorry, I only watch network television twice a year (Indy 500 and the Super Bowl) so I don’t know much about Trump’s shtick.
6/30/15 1:14 p.m.
Flynlow wrote:
pres589 wrote:
This is a serious, honest request; find me the three Obama statements that you think are the most damning or incendiary. I am really curious what conservative folks find are his most crazy or off-putting quotes are.
I'm not a conservative (independent), but I'll take the bait. I voted for Obama the first time, and against him the second time. Rather than quotes, I'll list actions, since I think they do speak louder than words:
- promising to run "the most transparent administration ever", and then continuing drone strikes, Guantanamo, the war on terror, patriot act, and department of homeland security, all with secret/shadowy BS. Rand Paul gained a huge amount of support in my eyes lately as one of the few trying to vote down these affronts to freedom.
- the ATF "fast and the furious" debacle. Eric holder, or the underlings that acted/signed in his name, should be in prison. The show of support and clampdown on any data or disclosures that would have revealed the full scope of that operation is shameful.
- the procedure of passing the ACA. Not the bill itself, I think wanting to insure everyone can afford a basic level of care is a laudable goal (though I am very concerned with how it will be funded...can we as a nation, or as individual taxpayers afford it? Too soon to tell), but the last minute force-through in Congress of, "vote for it, THEN you get to find out what you voted for", sets a disturbing precedent that needs to be stopped immediately.
How's that?
How's that?
Let me tell you. You just gained like 10,000 respect points from this guy. That's how's that.
I fell into a burnin' ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
"@realDonaldTrump #JebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife."
I don't think he has any chance of being elected, and I certainly wouldn't vote for him, but what he will do is force conversations that need to be talked about without all the usual PC politics crap. What I fear though is that given his background, he can pretty much push most of the other candidates around pretty easily, making them look weak in the process. I certainly don't want Trump with his hand on the button. 
In reply to Flynlow, I too had hoped Obama would be different, but instead he has brought us everything Bush did bad and doubled down on it. I also think many of the people he surrounded himself with were extremely poor choices.
In regards to the ACA, if you remember, it was never designed to be the law we have now. It was passed by the Senate so they could go home for Christmas. Then Kennedy died and they had to have the House pass it without changes because a Republican took his seat. What we ended up with was a big freakin' disaster that was simply a wet dream wish list and nothing to do with reality. If the Ds and Rs really wanted to fix healthcare, they could, but it would require this novel concept called working together.
what I find scary about The Donald.. is how many people actually take him seriously... He has said some truly awful things about come classes of people, and his supporters are cheering him on to do more.
He is really bringing out the worst in the GOP in my opinion and is only hurting their chances in 2016
The scary thing about what he did is not what he said. For most people you would just say "oh, he is just over stating it, but I can see what he is trying to say" But no, he not only said it, but backed it up! (doubling down on stupid).
But, don't worry, he has facts to back his statement up (because clearly, he cannot be wrong). He found a report that showed something like %70 of female illegal immigrants coming into the country are raped in the process... um... ok... pretty sure that's not the same thing.
You can just see him yelling at his slave monkeys "quick, find me some facts to back up the comment I just pulled out of my ass"
mad_machine wrote:
He is really bringing out the worst in the GOP in my opinion and is only hurting their chances in 2016
Going all the way back to the beginning of our current two-party system in 1856, there has been a pronounced tendency for the party of the president to switch when the preceding president served two terms.
Additionally, if you take the slightly less than 3% margin Obama had over Romney in 2012, you’ll find that the last time a non-incumbent with that slim of preceding margin pulled off a presidential victory was Ulysses Grant in 1868.
Here’s a highly detailed article on the subject:
“History Is Not On The Democrats’ Side In 2016”
Bottom line, don’t worry about Trump’s stink rubbing off on the GOP, the math is absolutely screaming that the next president will be a Republican.
Saw a car with a Trump sticker this morning.
So it begins.
7/7/15 6:19 p.m.
In reply to iceracer:
I'm waiting for mine. It's made of solid gold and weighs 3lbs. It is the greatest bumper stick ever produced. Only such a magnificent bumper sticker, crafted by the finest bumper sticker artisans this country has ever known, could produce such a masterpiece. It makes every other Presidential bumper sticker look like cow dung. Not since the old days of "Dan Gurney For President" stickers has there been a bumper sticker that could raise the value of an automobile.
I have seen at least a few Corvairs with Nader stickers on them.
Doesn't mean they voted for him.
In reply to RX Reven':
While I mostly agree with you on the 2 term swing, to me, that is the biggest advantage the GOP has going into this. I've thought about this and have some thoughts, but I don't care to thread jack this thing. I will be watching the GOP primary closely.
Just remember with the 2 term swing.. we had an exception to that Rule within most people's lifetimes. President George H. W. Bush. He Followed President Reagan to Victory in 1988
Was just browsing on Reddit and heard an interesting theory about Trump.
Think of him as a palate cleanser before Jeb comes along with his Latino wife and ability to speak Spanish, etc.
Trump will help many to realize just how wrong some of those views are and the party may soften slightly.
7/8/15 11:31 a.m.
It certainly makes the prospect of a Trump presidency even more entertaining.
trucke wrote:
Stop Trump
...No, this is a coordinated conspiracy led by President Obama himself. Obama is making the phone calls and giving the orders...
Uhm.... yeah.... OK then.