The talk of LEDs in the rant thread got me thinking, I've needed a new dusk to dawn light for like 2 years now.
I'd prefer LED, but it's currently a 400 watt metal halide with a bad ballast, so I'm not against just replacing with same. Ya, I could just replace this ballast, but I'm too damn big to get to where it's mounted.
I had a horrible run from like 05-2020 of just getting cheap ones that never lasted more than a month, or that the photosensor didn't work at all.
I want something I can just mount, wire, and forget about, in all weather conditions.
It doesn't have to be motion activated if it's dusk to dawn, but I would consider that.
It can be hardwired, plugged in, or switched to 110v, I guess if I buy some wire it could be on 220v. No berkeleying batteries or solar power please.
So what does the hive use or recommend?
2/20/25 2:01 p.m.
Check out Tractor Supply.
We have a dusk-to-dawn LED from the local Co-op on our barn and it's been great for the past few years.
2/20/25 4:08 p.m.
Get a RAB brand fixture with a built in photo eye. They are expensive but they last. Check a local electrical supply house and they can help you with a proper size depending on how high you are mounting it and what you are trying to light up
I spent the big bux on a Hubbell brand motion-sensor dusk to dawn fixture for two floodlamps, and it worked okay for a couple years. Meanwhile, the cheap-a$$ X-10 fixture on the other side of the garage is still working great, 20+ years after installation. Not what I expected.
Looking to replace the Hubbell. With a non-Hubbell.
You can use whatever fixture you like if you move the dusk-to-dawn function from the fixture to an external control. We use the Legrand RT-200 as basis of design for this at work. It will do dusk-to-dawn based on your location and can be programmed for a custom schedule. Should be on the shelf at your local electrical supply house.
What kind of fixture are you looking for, and where will it be used?