In case this is useful to anyone else, I'm asking in late June, 2023, which will at least impact the "which one?" part of the question...
I have a backstory, but I deleted it. I don't think the context actually has any real impact on the question... Suffice it to say I used to use Apple stuff (though I never had an iPhone), but I've had a 20-year break with Apple.
- Anybody have any experience with moving from Android to iPhone? Things that are better or worse, migration tools?
- Anybody got any observations about where the sweet spot is in selecting an iPhone that gets you the most phone (and the longest run before obsolescence) still in the foothills of the "newest, shiniest" price slope?
- Any gotchas in moving from the Google-centric defaults for so many apps and services to the Apple-centric? Any Google stuff that one might have come to rely on that's boxed out of working in/with iOS?
I suspect that while camera and video are important to me, the iPhone seems generally regarded as good enough there that any of them will be fine, but the whole reason I'm asking is I don't know what I don't know. I suspect all my apps are either available on both, or there are iOS versions.
Apple has a utility to install on your Android phone that makes migration fairly easy.
I've personally just gone for whatever the vanilla "iPhone" is, so a 6S, an 8, and now a 13; I tend to run them until the battery gets to around 85% or so. If you prefer a bigger form factor, they offer big versions. The Pros are a bit unknown to me, you'd have to research those to see if you think they'd be worth the extra cost.
All my Google stuff works on the iPhone, I have iOS apps from Google for Gmail, Chat, Maps, Voice, Chrome, etc.
6/25/23 4:34 p.m.
I used the apple utility to transfer from Android to iPhone and it worked fine. I got the SE because I like the smaller screen. The camera isn't as fancy but it's fine for my use.
After several years on Android devices (several in Google Nexus line, pre-pixel )..
I made the same leap but I continue to use Google maps and Google photos exclusively. I actually delete all my photos from the iPhoto app to save space.
Recently upgraded from iPhone 8 to the 14.. but wish I'd gone with a 13 pro for a better camera at slight discount.
It's a great device. You will get used to it quickly and never need to look back.
I've used androids for years. Because of the family controls, I moved to apple a few months ago. I hate it.
All of the things just work on an android, if you're in the ecosystem. All my passwords are in chrome, so Im constantly having to look up passwords trying to connect the apps on an iphone. trying to use google apps on apple is just a frustrating experience.
I hate the controls. hate. I try to select a spot in text on apple, and you cant. it just works in android, but it doesn't in apple. the back swiping to go back is stupid. Instagram, you swipe left to go back scrolling pics. of if you swipe l back just a little more oomph, that means you go back.
If the only reason to switch is because of cameras, you can find a equal or better android. I wouldn't do it.