aircooled wrote:
I don't know if it was in the link provided, but I have heard they get rid of the engine mounts and mount the engine and trans on chains. Apparently the mounts simply won't survive
+1 on the chains, that helps with driveline movement. Missed that, also helps with the shifter. FYI you can use the car multiple times. Try local speedways for more action!
Gut all the wiring. All you need is a ammeter or voltimeter. It's the only way you know the engine is still running due to the noise. And other wiring can short out.
Cut a hole in trans tunnel. Weld on a pipe directly to the gear selector. Once the hit start coming the engine/trans WILL move and bind up the linkage otherwise.
Cut large holes in the hood and decklid. Not only will it allow the heat to escape, once the crunches come, it'll give you away to see through the trunk once it pops.
Grease up the sidewalls of the tires. Anything to deflect the hits and save the tires.
I think you can flip the manifolds and shoot them through the hood, zoomie style.
9/7/11 10:29 a.m.
I think we need pics of said derby car in order to help you out further.

In reply to Jay:
I second that emotion and interject: where the hell are they? You've had an hour to prepare!
9/7/11 11:34 a.m.
Let me say this, which nobody else seems to have mentioned:
Around here, most demo derbies specifically disallow the full size American wagons. Before you break out the sawzall and welder, make sure your car is eligible.
All I can add to this discussion is when I was young I knew a guy who used a 1959 Impala for a demolition derby (it was a long time ago.) He filled the tailfins with concrete, which worked really well for backing into other cars. It also got him disqualified. 
Every demo derby I have seen was won by a 70s malibu wagon. I dont think a car that new has even a slight chance of being competitive, just being safe is probably the most important thing. I have seen people run newer cars before and they just kinda fall apart after being hit a few times. I agree that fuel injection on a demolition derby car is scary too.
Travis_K wrote:
Every demo derby I have seen was won by a 70s malibu wagon. I dont think a car that new has even a slight chance of being competitive, just being safe is probably the most important thing. I have seen people run newer cars before and they just kinda fall apart after being hit a few times. I agree that fuel injection on a demolition derby car is scary too.
the 90-96 Caprices are built like tanks. it's why cops loved them so much and why they are prized among the demo derby crowd around here.
9/8/11 10:49 p.m.
For the fun of keeping the thread going, here are some of my Derby pics from about 20 years ago...

9/8/11 10:54 p.m.
Weren't Chrysler Imperials banned outright from derbies for being too damn strong? I know they are locally.
I'll post a couple too just for fun.

Still ran and drove just fine, but I got pushed up onto the wall. I ran two more with it (after some time on the frame rack and some additions made to the cage) until it finally threw a rod.
re those motorsickle tires on the front?
Yep! It hooked up like nothing else out on the track. Everyone was sliding around and I felt like I was driving on pavement.
9/11/11 6:47 p.m.
ALRIGHT! I got it running!!
that gives me tonite and all day tomorrow to gut it and do the rest of the prep.
race check in is at 5pm (feels like im entering the challenge now!)
there is a second heat on wednesday. so i can always wait until then if i have to.