12/27/11 8:01 p.m.
If you can get on Penny Arcade's site, you can also read the saga:
Cliff's Notes:
Guy buys game controller online, it does not ship, guy asks company why it did not ship, company makes asshat reply, customer loops in Penny Arcade, company gets dragged through the streets, placed in a bag and beaten with reeds. Epic ownage.
Sounds like a mini Best Buy scam to me.
You just have to smile at that
The guy from Ocean Marketing was being a first rate jerk, but nobody (and I mean nobody) deserves to have their family made part of an internet retaliation campaign.
Gabe should not have posted the information without laying down some ground rules. He knew what was going to happen.
FYI, Ocean Marketing does NOT make the Avenger Controller, it only marketed them. The actual maker of the controller is a Miami teacher whom made it for handicapped children. I feel bad for the controller manufacturer.
The Marketing guy on the other hand... Well, let's just say you DON'T mess with the Internet.
12/27/11 10:22 p.m.
You'd think people would learn by now, you leave yourself open, you're gonna get crushed. Speaking of which, I need to contact someone.
I retract my last post. I've been following some of the Reddit threads on this and it turns out the Avenger inventor has been doing business with the Ocean Marketing douchebag for a while. Not to mention, this isn't the first time he's done something douchey, it's just that it got to Penny Arcade, which practically guaranteed this trainwreck would go viral.
12/27/11 11:38 p.m.
It could have been least /b/ were not involved.
They all come across as a bunch of winners. Huge accomplishment embarrasing that guy (insert rolleyes smiley here).
Zomby woof wrote:
They all come across as a bunch of winners. Huge accomplishment embarrasing that guy (insert rolleyes smiley here).
sonofabitch deserved it. Whether you agree with it or not, sometimes you need to get smacked around a bit to remember how insignificant of a prick you really are (and by you I don't mean you, I mean the Ocean douche).
I never approve of internet lynchings. Gabe's being an ass.
Gabe basically re-posted, no embellishment.
If thats all it takes to be an ass, then hee-haw.
12/28/11 12:35 p.m.
I think the only thing that bugs me is that contact info which spread the damage beyond this shiny happy person and his business should have been scrubbed.
I just went to double-check what was posted in an attempt to see whether I had that straight, and it seems to be gone or at least moved.
Really, I own a Wii and a iPad - I have a few Wii games aimed at my 9 yo nephew and my iPad has angry birds and battlebears (BB is an awesome app by the way!)...thats the extent of the gaming I do. To that end, I couldnt care less about who does what name dropping or jet-setting. But seriously, if youre gonna talk some trash and basically come to the brink of threatening some kind of Mafia warfare (trying to say "I know the people who run... Boston" ?), youre just being an epic assh_le. He got what he had cant treat people that way and think its all fun and games. You can have sh_tty business ethics with regards to ship dates and manufacturing timelines - whatever. But when you start telling people - customers or industry peers - that youre bigger/better/cooler/whaterver than them, and someone calls your bluff...youre better off eating the crow than trying to toss your weight around.
Serves that dick right
Forwarding the publicly available information that the marketing guy put online himself for others to see is not the problem of Gabe when others research further to find this marketing guy's other contact info.
Welcome to the internets, where people who spend all day in front of a computer show other people that we live in a different world filled with different people motivated by different means. Add to the fact that these are -video gamers-, a notoriously hardline group already...
oh its worse than Fight Club in many ways. Fight Club had more to do with the alpha male societal perception of not having a clearly defined passage to manhood compared to previous generations that had wars to go off and fight.
Other than the ilk that plays the regular release of Madden and other EA titles only and thinks they're gamers, it is a very different crowd of people.
PC gamers of the 80s and 90s are usually ridiculously over-qualified people who sit and get passed over by incompetant middle-management who never learned how to really use a computer. Intellectual, critical of establishments, convention, and the chain of command that has neglected, mistreated, them or has caused problems that they thanklessly cleaned up. Console gamers of the same era are gonna be tied to the latchkey kid syndrome, usually a bit anti-social already or their time would've been more dominated with friends to play with. Highly independant and distrustful of others due to neglect or being bully prey and not having a large social network, or the entire social network they belonged to (band) was the subject of ridicule.
Two groups that are more than happy to scorch earth when dealing with injustice they can now face with their paycheck and the flow of information that they could not during the disenfranchisement of their youth.
12/28/11 1:18 p.m.
madmallard wrote:
oh its worse than Fight Club in many ways. Fight Club had more to do with the alpha male societal perception of not having a clearly defined passage to manhood compared to previous generations that had wars to go off and fight.
Other than the ilk that plays the regular release of Madden and other EA titles only and thinks they're gamers, it is a very different crowd of people.
PC gamers of the 80s and 90s are usually ridiculously over-qualified people who sit and get passed over by incompetant middle-management who never learned how to really use a computer. Intellectual, critical of establishments, convention, and the chain of command that has neglected, mistreated, them or has caused problems that they thanklessly cleaned up. Console gamers of the same era are gonna be tied to the latchkey kid syndrome, usually a bit anti-social already or their time would've been more dominated with friends to play with. Highly independant and distrustful of others due to neglect or being bully prey and not having a large social network, or the entire social network they belonged to (band) was the subject of ridicule.
Two groups that are more than happy to scorch earth when dealing with injustice they can now face with their paycheck and the flow of information that they could not during the disenfranchisement of their youth.
Wow. I'd say Say What? but... not appropriate for there. Sums up how I feel in a lot of ways, and I am both a PC and a console gamer. And stuck in a dead end job.
madmallard wrote:
oh its worse than Fight Club in many ways. Fight Club had more to do with the alpha male societal perception of not having a clearly defined passage to manhood compared to previous generations that had wars to go off and fight.
Other than the ilk that plays the regular release of Madden and other EA titles only and thinks they're gamers, it is a very different crowd of people.
PC gamers of the 80s and 90s are usually ridiculously over-qualified people who sit and get passed over by incompetant middle-management who never learned how to really use a computer. Intellectual, critical of establishments, convention, and the chain of command that has neglected, mistreated, them or has caused problems that they thanklessly cleaned up. Console gamers of the same era are gonna be tied to the latchkey kid syndrome, usually a bit anti-social already or their time would've been more dominated with friends to play with. Highly independant and distrustful of others due to neglect or being bully prey and not having a large social network, or the entire social network they belonged to (band) was the subject of ridicule.
Two groups that are more than happy to scorch earth when dealing with injustice they can now face with their paycheck and the flow of information that they could not during the disenfranchisement of their youth.
Talk about cliffnotes version. At least you were able to angle it towards the conversation. I think picking apart Fight Club would take more time than most of us would be willing to spend.
I guess thats OK being that you already broke rules one and two.... Jackass.
In reply to N Sperlo:
lol. i love Fightclub too and I know it includes but is not limited to what I just put out there; but its a very different social commentary than what's going on here in this case, i feel. Thats all. ^_^
Customer Service is the easiest thing in the world to do. It's amazing that so few companies get it right.
In reply to madmallard:
Oh, no. I completely agree. Payback is a bitch.