93EXCivic said:
In reply to Antihero (Forum Supporter) :
Agreed. Vocation programs seem to get constantly cut and high schools only metric of success seems to be how many kids go to college
It's kinda sad really. There's people that are struggling in life making $8 an hour and I'm offering $20 to start out.
But a lot of people somehow view the trades as distasteful and that you can't succeed in life. I literally had a talk with someone that went a little like this:
I have no money
Have you considered the trades?
You can't make a living there!
Tell me a little about yourself life and how it's going. Housing? General stuff?
I rent a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 people . We do ok but I'm running out of stuff to pawn, the Xbox my mom got me for Xmas got me $100 for rent this month but I'll get it back once I can start selling blood again, you can get great money doing that!
Ok so, what about a car?
Cars are expensive man! What am i, made of money?
Ok, well let me walk you thru a bit of my life here. I own 2 houses, me and my wife have a summer car, a winter car, a few fun cars, a project car and various work trucks. I went on a 3 week vacation to Australia and routinely get 2 months off work. I have about 9 hobbies.
Dude! How do I get that?!?
I do concrete for a living.
Bro! You can't make it doing that,no one wants to dig ditches for a living!
I don't dig ditches, I finish concrete
But bro, that shiznit is hard!
How many hours do you work a day?
Well the grocery job is only 35 hours a week but the night job I have gets me another 20.
You work 55 hours a week? How much do you bring home a week?
I'm hoping for more from my main job but I'm already the guy with the most hours already. I make $350 a week take home.
I make that a day almost always. I work 30 hours or less a week usually.
Dude, no way!
Yeah. Wanna come to work with us?
No way man! Digging ditches is how you hurt yourself!
No one digs ditches here, it's concrete work
But my dad's uncle's friends cat once dug a ditch and all his limbs fell off, and then they exploded! Phalangic shrapnel everywhere!
That didn't happen
Yes it did! I don't wanna get hurt!
Is wasting 55 hours a week making nothing and never getting ahead ever really worth it to you? I've worked in this field for decades and I've never seen someone's limbs explode.
You can't make it in the trades, I need to go back to school and get my degree in Flower Arranging in order to get ahead, they make almost $30k a year!
Obviously embellished but you get the idea