mr2s2000elise said:
I don't know about the "near homeless" people you guys talking about.
However, I know between 2010-2020, in these 10 years, we have had over 30 friends/family move to Texas. They were all middle class, 2 job, 2 car payment, 2 kids type of households in CA. About 5 of them owned a house. Rest all lived in apartments/condos/townhomes. Some were Toyota engineers, who couldnt afford a house in Irvine, and now doing it big in Plano.
80% moved to Dallas. Keller, Irving, Frisco etc. All are home owners now. Many are single income now, and their SO can help with kids and give more family time Few of them, now have 2nd, 3rd, and 4th investment properties.
20% moved to Austin. RoundRock and further north. Some have multiple properties and doing quite well.
Whenever I see local people here saying they are struggling, can't get ahead, etc, due to foreign money, investors, etc, I always give concrete examples of above, of people I know who are making a better life elsewhere.
I know years back, I saw lots of people sell their CA houses and go to AZ/NV.
Last 10 years, I have seen them all go to Idaho, Montana, TX, Atlanta, TN, NC.
That would be the people in my old neigborhood in East Dallas. I still own my house there, but right now I'm using it for parking the stuff my HOA doesn't like and as a dog kennel for rescues. I will eventually fix it up to rent. Most of those people don't have college degrees and work whatever jobs they can get. Most of them didn't move to Texas from California like I did. They were born in Dallas. Many of them can't afford to travel and haven't ever been anywhere else. One across the street from me inherited her house from her parents who paid $20,000 for it new. Four years ago she had to sell her house to an investor because she couldn't keep up the property taxes on it. Now it's a rental. About six years ago another 70 year old lady sold her house to the "We Buy Ugly Houses" franchise. You know, the caveman guys. They are a nationwide franchise. They gave her $37,000 for her house. I helped her move out. Now houses in my neigborhood are selling for $350,000.
I read their posts on Some of them beg for a ride to work because they car they are still paying the tote your note lot for broke down again. Some of them talk about their gas getting shut down because thier Oncor bills have tripled. I just bitch and moan and write them a bigger check. These people can't. They don't have it. I read threads about people getting pushed out of their houses because the landlord is selling or he wants to triple the rent. Another lady down the street brings jugs filled with water into her house after the plumbing in her place started leaking so much that the city shut her water off. She can't afford to fix it. Many of them are paying $2,000 a month or more for rent and run out of money before the end of the month.
My house in East Dallas is almost paid for and the payment is still barely above $500 even with the property tax increases. Refinance, refinance and then refinance the refinance. I have enough in my savings account right now to pay the place off in full if I really want to. Then I married a Texas girl who has a much bigger house out in the suburbs that she inherited from her daddy free and clear. That's where I hang my hat now. She has had a great career as a creative director for a major advertising agency in Atlanta and then worked for the Agency here in Dallas that handled Gas Monkey Garage. Those T-shirts you see at hot rod events are her design. She likes to play the stock market. She is a better person than I am. I don't know what she sees in me. Together we own enough crap to fill both houses and they cost us almost nothing.
I feel like I have been lucky. I worked hard, but still. Nobody graduating from college today will get the breaks I got. They paid a lot more for their degrees than I did. Heck. I lived in a cheap mobile home when I was in graduate school. I'm not even sure you could rent something like that near campus today. They will pay a lot more for rent and they might not even be able to afford a house. Some of them are really pissed about it. Ever hear the term, "OK Boomer"? I do.
I feel sorry for all of these people. Maybe I shouldn't. I don't know. I feel sorry for the damned dogs I rescued from the pound too. Maybe I'm just a sucker. Maybe I should be more of a hard ass about life. But I can't be. That's just not me.