I am getting ready to enter my cc info at the $100 level.
I know the "hive" has discussed these before, is anyone on the list?
With a track record including being Cleveland Browns fan & owning a Triumph TR7, would ME putting some money where my mouth is be like the day the iceberg that sunk the Titanic broke from the ice shelf and began it's historic voyage?
Should I accept donations from people who don't want Elio to make it?
*edit: they are doing a 50% "Bonus Promotion" at the moment.
This is not relevant to my interests.
I don't know what we are talking about but it won't stop me from enthusiastically participating in this thread!
He's buying a radio for an Elio (obscure Tucker reference).
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
That wasn't really worth reading either.
In reply to Basil Exposition:
Aaaand again.
In reply to bravenrace:
Shouldn't you be towing a beautiful green GT6 home about now?
Read this:
No way the Elio will make it to production.
I'd go Local Motors long before going Elio.
4/6/15 12:59 p.m.
I would not give them my CC info, or travelers checks, or Arby's coupons, or....well anything.
4/6/15 1:05 p.m.
I'm still wailing for my Cyclops

In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
No. Tim rained on that parade....So I have time to do this.
In reply to slefain:
That was an interesting read, hadn't heard of it before!
In reply to Wally:
Someone in the Indy area has one. A friend's sister saw it on a trailer & took pics, and my friend tracked it down online. I believe it's a reproduction from the original plans.
So you guys feel that they won't make it as far as Laforza did?
4/6/15 1:40 p.m.
In reply to etifosi:
Nope, it'll be another carbon motors.....
4/6/15 1:57 p.m.
I w as following them for about 2 years. I've championed them here before. But....there have been too many delays and not much new info being released. That being said, I would still be interested if I hadnt cut my daily commute from 86 miles to 4.
The most useful comment I can provide is that the title should have been - "etifosi, what the Elio doing?"
4/6/15 2:12 p.m.
It's your money, but I wouldn't have any faith in it coming to fruition to put my money on it. Good luck if you decide to do it.
This is what I found for Carbon Motors.
I'm gathering that they had a business plan similar to Elio's & I totally love the looks of that thing.....but that looks like the answer to a question that is being answered by many real car companies as it's just a four door sedan.
*edit - Oh, I see that wanted to build police cars.
I would run EFS Combust in it, too!
4/6/15 3:23 p.m.
In reply to etifosi:
Yes, Elio seems to have the exact same business plan as Carbon......make up something, incorporate an LLC, obtain federal government loans, build a prototype to showcase, con the local government into providing you with an unused warehouse/factory, hype about all the jobs you are going to create, line your pockets with said federal government loans, milk the system until the Feds cut you off, then cry about how they screwed everyone out of jobs from their shiny new yacht in Palm Beach........I think I covered that one pretty well.
Maybe it's ALL because I rode past a place called "Triumph" collision a lot when I was a child & they had 2 of these on display:

I want one. At this point it is too far out for me to trust them with my money. And my hopes are not as high as they had been.