Like the title says, anyone quit and leave a long-term career, without a real plan for what to do next?
I've been working for software companies for most of my professional life, most often in a QA role. The nature of the job has changed in recent years, where more and more programming is necessary, and it is something I have struggled with. It is finally coming to a head lately, and I have spent the last year pretty much behind the eight ball, and while I am trying, I just am not sure I am capable of what they need me to do. If it was a lower pressure environment, I might be able to adapt, but it is a very hard charging company. I may be able to shift over to the product department, and get away from coding, but it'll still be fast-paced, and while I've done that kind of work before, it require more assertiveness than I have to do it really well. The company as a whole is one of the more ethically run ones I've worked for, though, which has been a positive compared to some previous employers. While I know it's not good to get attached to a company, other than the workload, this is a very good one to work for.
My wife and I generally live well beneath our means (though a little less so since I bought a new car a few months back), so I've given some thought to just stepping away from a job for a while. Biggest disadvantage to that is I am in my late 40s and age discrimination is a real thing in the tech world, so I'd likely be killing my income potential for the rest of my life if I did try go back to work in the field. Not to mention, it is nice to have two incomes, just in case either of us loses our jobs involuntarily. I had planned on retiring at 55 (and doing a lot of expensive travel and car stuff), but unless the market seriously recovers soon, I'm going to have to tack on a few more years to that number.
I do worry about both our health on our current course. End of the workday has me usually trying to either learn more, or just working longer to try to keep up, and my wife is not up to much, especially on days she goes to the office (hybrid work environment). The only break we have is the weekend, and even then, it seems like neither of us have much energy to get a lot done. I've thought if I wasn't working, I could pretty much get everything done around the house, and cook much healthier meals than we usually eat. And with household stuff dealt with during the week, we'd be more likely to get out and get moving some on the weekends.
So, long and rambling, but just curious, has anyone here stepped away from a career, and just kind of seen how things would go for a while, instead of jumping back into another full time job? If so, how'd it go, and how old were you when you did it? Advice is welcome.