I tend to be very careful with my credit card, so haven't had fraud problems much. This changed in the last few days. Over the weekend, an order came to the house from GNC that was originally addressed to a different house on my street, but had my name on it. I figured I'd run it out after work on Monday to the post office. Then, today, a neighbor down the street brought me two packages from an online vitamin store that were in my name, but with his address. Alarms bells in my head went off, and I checked online, and I had four fraudulent charges since May 30, one from GNC, and three from the vitamin place. Took care of getting my account frozen, and a new card is on its way. Ran to the post office, and they would only take back one of the packages, as the other two had been opened (one by me, the other presumably by the neighbor that brought them over).
So, whats's the scam? If it was the usual one, they'd have made a small charge or two, made sure they went through, then immediately ordered a bunch of expensive crap. The only thing that is making sense to me is someone local got a hold of my card, and was either planning on porch-pirating the stuff, or maybe one of the vitamin packages actually went to the address of the scammer, but with multiple items getting shipped to my street, they have plausible deniability. Anything else it may be? And for the other packages, I'm holding them for now, but I assume I have no responsibility to do anything with them unless the shippers contact me and provide a return label (I'm not paying to have this crap shipped back)?
This was on the credit card I use exclusively for online purchases, so it is never in anyone else's hands. The only purchase I made in the last month that wasn't from one of the usual places (RA, Amazon, etc) was to online order some food from a local restaurant.