RevRico said:
Follow along with bluehosts instructions after all the wordpress migration plugins produce files too big to upload. Wind up with SQL problems or Internal 500 errors.
Domain is still leading to siteground version of the site, despite bluehost being setup to display a "coming soon" page as the home page. This may fix itself when siteground hosting is over, this might not.
Bluehost only has control over their own DNS servers, and submitting it for propagation (Siteground link, but principle is the same for all) takes time for DNS information to propagate to the rest of the world's domain name servers. Your own ISP (and thus your PC) probably doesn't use Bluehost as their DNS, so when your machine tries to go to, it will keep getting the old IP address until that propagation makes it to your ISP. The same is true for anyone else trying to get to your site.
Domain name is setup through bluehost now using their DNS.
Getting two entirely different wordpress panels with extremely different stuff on them, depending on who I load through.
What do you mean "who you load through"? I assume there is an instance of Wordpress at the old place, and at the new place. They are likely on different versions (which may be part of your migration problem, though I don't know much about Wordpress beyond what it is). I'm guessing you mean you go to something like or (the specifics don't matter, I just mean you're going to a control panel of some kind specifically at bluehost, and one specifically at siteground, not being sent randomly to one or the other when you go to controlpagename.yourdomain.topleveldomain...
Follow instructions for WordPress All in One migrator to increase upload limit because my site backup is 2.5gb, and my upload limit is 64mb. Changes in .htaccess create a Error 500, internal server error. Make changes in wp-config.php, nothing happens at all.
I just want these pictures to move and the permalinks to work.
This isn't a simple or trivial thing. I suspect you're going to need more help than anybody's going to be able to give you here. I would check with bluehost and see whether they offer migration services. They should know some things about what version of Wordpress they're running, and thus faced with a bunch of data from another version, should be able to work through whatever massaging is needed to get it moved and running.
There's a reason webmaster and sysadmin are full-time gigs that pay well.
I'm not sure from your description where your understanding of this stuff is at, but in case it's useful, here's my synopsis of where I figure you're at right now:
There is a working copy of your site at siteground, which some DNS are pointing to (including either your ISP's domain name servers, or at least your PC's cached info), so if folks request your site and hit one of those domain servers, they'll still be sent there.
There is a broken copy of your site at bluehost, and as DNS propagates, that's what people will hit more and more, and pretty soon that's where all requests will go.
You have all the data needed to recreate the site (probably), but changes between Wordpress versions, or problems with the migration tools or how they are used mean that all the needed bits from the old site have not made it to the new site. This is sometimes a matter of a missing or changed config, and sometimes a matter of some utter failure of upgrade operations and requires a fair amount of manual research and correction to fix (e.g. a plugin that isn't compatible with a newer version, or just something that the scripts get wrong when skipping a version in upgrade; or worse, Bluehost is running an older version than Siteground, as downgrade is not so good). I have no notion of where your situation falls with regard to this, and that gets to where I suspect you could use professional help.
Or, fingers crossed, someone here does know something about the specific WP migration tools and knows a few simple things to check.
EDIT: Possibly a helpful clarification, but possibly not... Just trying to shed light if I can. Conceptually, it's like there's a copy of Microsoft Word at Siteground that has your manifesto written on it, and a copy of Microsoft Word at Bluehost that hasn't successfully gotten a copy of that. Either there have been issues actually moving the file, or the two copies of Word are different ages and can't read each others' files correctly because they store things in different places or under different names, or maybe there's even something analogous to missing a font on the Bluehost instance that keeps it from displaying right. That is, Wordpress is an app that displays your stuff, but it's complex enough that the stuff has to be in the right combinations of formats for each version of the application in order to be sent out correctly.
Richard Feynman once said something about understanding complex topics that was very very roughly along the lines of "when you can explain it to a six year old, you really understand it. If you can't, then your own understanding isn't all the way there." Clearly, referencing your thread topic, I do not have the ability to distill it all the way down to that, despite having been through it a fair bit. Or if I cut myself some slack, the issues you're having are outside the scope of a five year old's understanding of migrating a website.