So I stumbled upon this on book of faces this evening and I could never bring myself to hack up a kettle grill for purposes other than making a smoker.

But it got me to thinking. With the ridged sections of a 55 gallon drum one should be able to get 3 sets of flares from one is desired and the gauge would much heavier. Has anyone on here done fender flares from a drum?
That may be just the ticket I need for inner fender tubs. I need to stuff bigger rear tires under the LS3 powered TR8 coupe. After trying to slice and pull the inner fenders to gain clearance, I've come to the realization that it would be easier and better to just cut out the whole inner fender and tub. the rear.
Drums are a lot smaller in diameter than tires, so all you'd really be doing is acquiring some "dirty" 16-gauge stock. Cutting them open and trying to peel them apart is a real chore.
I've seen trailer fenders (singles) artfully turned into fender flares, though.
5/12/16 8:53 a.m.
The diameter is not that much smaller than most tires. I bet with a slight bend it would work, or if you are doing just a slice like the weber picture, it probably is close enough to work.

In reply to Robbie:
I was thinking cut each ridged section of the drum evenly across to create 3 sections of drum which should allow for it to be cut like the kettle grill a minimum of 6 times if cutting a arch of greater then 180 degrees, or 12 times for an arch 180 or less.