Hilarity on VWVortex.
Guy gets a parking boots attached to his car, parked in front of his house, due to stupid HOA policy.
Guy puts car on dollies and rolls it into his garage.
Parking people come by, stare at spot where car was, while guy walks past them on the way to/from his mailbox.
Guy calls parking people, invites them to come get their boots.
Parking people show up, and they brought a cop, said the guy stole their boots.
Guy invites parking people to take their boots.
Cop tells parking people that there is no theft happening here.
The parking people went nuts and started booting residents left and right.
Oh, you park a work truck here?
Das No Boot
The second link's no good.
Working 2nd link:
Some funny pics:
Working 3rd link:
Working 4th link:
Update after 4th link:
Another Update:
Working 5th link:
Working 6th link:
Honorable mention for this pic made entirely of pwnage:

Oh, and Arizona Parking Solutions 
The google-bombing is a success!
I just read that whole thing.
It was awesome.
Damn work firewall does not appreciate vwvortex.
I not can has.
that is berklyed up and a good solution
Man, that was great!
IIRC, when the Denver boot first came out the Denver po po clapped one on a guy's car. He saw it, left and came back with a torch, cut the thing off, took it home and made a coffee table out of it.
6/19/08 10:02 a.m.
Grrr. I live on an old, narrow street, where the houses are all pre 1913. Not a whole lot of parking, and many houses have no driveways. We park on one side of the street for half the month, the other side for the rest of the month. But the parking commission reserves the right to ticket at any time. Which they don't usually do, unless someone calls them. Across the street from me is a mean old couple. She's lived in the house all her life, they're both retired, don't do anything other than cut their miniscule lawn with nail scissors, and for some reason, they hate everybody! Peer out the curtains at people, that kind of thing. They have no car, but go crazy if anyone parks in front of their house. They're constantly calling the parking guys to ticket everybody. Drives me nuts. I came home the other day to find 2 tickets each on my truck and my MX3.
My sister took advantage of the boot at IUP (Indiana University of PA). Paying for parking would have cost her $300ish dollars for the semester. She didn't get the parking pass and ended up with like $200 something in unpaid parking tickets for the semester. Hey, she's up over $100 on those suckers who actually PAID for parking!
Finally, 3 weeks before the end of the semester, they put a boot on her car. The fine was $180.00. "OK," she thought. "I don't need it. I'll just leave it here."
So she did.
Near the end of the semester, she did some investigating and found out that all of her fines were consolidated into the boot fine and to take the boot off cost $180.00. Right. So she paid her $180.00 and had all of her tickets cleared.
Compare --- > $350.00 for a parking pass or $180.00 for telling the school to truck themselves and pay fines. That's what I thought.
I'm reading now...GREAT THREAD!
some of these parking issues make Ithaca look tame. For my last job I had to park about 3/4 mile away from work and walk. Anything closer than 3-5 blocks from the Commons is metered till 6 or parking garages that are a doller per hour or free if you leave after 8. Now I just park in the back half of the parking lot. Plus i live out in the stick to the point that we cant get cable/road runner. I can leave my car any way i want
6/19/08 10:56 a.m.
same thing at my college. Anyone who knew better parked in the teacher parking lot up front and came out ahead usualy.
edit: i wish i was as cool as angle grinder man btw
Here in the NW we are having our own battles with Parking enforcement:
This sort of E36 M3 needs to stop.
6/19/08 5:36 p.m.
And of course, the answer is Miata. When I was in school, I discovered that I could drive up to the gates in the parking lots, lift the arm up enough to drive underneath, then continue on my merry way into the lot.
If I had the Locost then, I wouldn't have even had to slow down.
if you want the cliff notes go to I think it is page 51 and 52 there are all the posts by the original poster.
oh they have t-shirts now 
Keith wrote:
And of course, the answer is Miata. When I was in school, I discovered that I could drive up to the gates in the parking lots, lift the arm up enough to drive underneath, then continue on my merry way into the lot.
If I had the Locost then, I wouldn't have even had to slow down.
In my Miata, I can drive under the arm in the parking garage at my office without lifting it. It's set up high because boneheads in SUVs weren't seeing it and breaking it off about 3x per week. 
OK, I read all the supplied links, but I didn't read all 51 pages. From what I saw nothing really happened after the meeting with the HOA. Was there ever a resolution? All I see is that at some point they quit booting indiscriminitely and started issuing some warnings.
I am not sure I clearly understood their ability to enter the premises and give tickets or boot cars for minor infractions? If the HOA hired them then the HOA made the rules they lived/enforced by.
The HOA hired a company who provided them with a contract to keep parking orderly. Unfortunately they probably didnt get or didnt read the actual list of infractions people would be booted for. In Gainesville we have a similar problem with Roam Towing. A downtown business or apartment complex wants to prevent customers or residents from having the inability to park due to non customers or nonresidents parking in their lots. They sign a contract with a towing company to enforce the rules. Come sunday (when the business is closed) the city holds an art festival. People park in the empty lot of the closed business and here comes the tow company. 20-30 cars get towed. People have to get a ride to the tow yard and pay $100 for the right to get their own car back. (no credit cards, cash or check only) Now everyone car owner is pissed at the business owner who was just trying to guarantee parking for its customers. Its such a mess that our city comission has at least one public meeting a year to discuss it and the local police department has a detective dedicated to towing disputes.
Yes, in Gainesville towing/parking is very lucrative business. There are a lot of apartment complexes that have disproportionately small amounts of visitor spots relative to the total amount of parking. Some are less than a quarter full of cars, but every visitor spot in the complex is taken.
Whenever you go out late at night, the majority of vehicles out are tow trucks. They're like roaches in the kitchen looking for scraps. It's pretty amazing how quick and covert they can take a car; it takes less than a minute. They grab the car, go around the corner out of sight, and put on the wired stop lamps/turn signals.
thread is th3 locked.
http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3895892 <--- new thread
http://www.parkingenforcementforum.com/ <--- new forum.
Conjecture alert, I wonder if APS actually contacted the forum through lawyers. but they haven't stopped http://www.arizonaparkingsolutionssucks.com/ Now with Nazi themed homepage.
Ignorant, to make the google bomb work, you (and about a zillion other people) have to associate that URL with the google phrase (in this case, their name), like this:
Arizona Parking Solutions
Yeah, but you need a lot of people doing it on a lot of sites, particularly sites with a high page rank.
First: Great thread! Someone needs to clean up the cliff notes though.
Keith wrote:
And of course, the answer is Miata. When I was in school, I discovered that I could drive up to the gates in the parking lots, lift the arm up enough to drive underneath, then continue on my merry way into the lot.
If I had the Locost then, I wouldn't have even had to slow down.
I recently found out that my friend's apartment complex is unable to tow motorcycles. Especially when you park between 2 cars 
Guess who doesn't need to have a pass or park all the way over in the visitor's area anymore?