Discouraged with the rental situation here in Flagstaff, my wife and I have started to weigh the merits of owning our home rather than renting.
Average rent in town is $1,200 for a decent place (2bd/1ba/washer/dryer/dishwasher/no dirty storage), or $900 for a place that'll cost twice as much to heat during the winter. Garage? That'll be $1350. Pets? That'll be another $100, oh and it will limit your choices by half.
Anything in the $1000-$1500 range gets snatched up immediately. If those places allow pets and have a garage they might only be available for a few hours. Literally, we've called about 10 places all of which had 2-3 in line. If you want to rent your property and can offer it for under $1500 you likely will no vacancy.
Average 3-bed 2-bath house with a garage built after 1985 sells for between $180,000 and $235,000. We've seen some new places sell for that price range as well.
We could make a 15% down payment on a house in that price range, but it would empty our pocket for a few months. It would also lower our monthly mortgage payment to a rate that would allow us to competitively rent it.
Points of Concern:
- realtor thinks we should take the "no down payment" option and settle in with a $1400 a month mortgage. I'm hesitant as this would be more difficult to rent.
- there is a lot of new construction happening in this town, as supply catches up to demand, will our home value and potential rental price go down?
- we're not intending to settle down here, and her parents may provide us a free place to live on the east coast in 3-4 years.
- we can't get the type of place we want for the (monthly) price we want as renters, but as buyers we could easily get it.
If we could find that sweet deal of 2/bd 1.5/ba rental with space for bikes and garage for wrenching, all for under $1300 a month, we'd give up the idea of home ownership for another couple of years, thing is, we can't even find that type of rental, much less anything its comparable price range.
Keep looking and make sacrifices, or consider buying and make sacrifices?
PS: Yes I've used the NYTimes "Rent or Buy" Calculator and it almost always comes up as "even", but it doesn't measure the ability to actually FIND the housing you want. If I could get the rental for the price it says I could I would easily rent, but the problem is I can't, instead of I'm paying that price for half the space. Its much easier to buy the size of house we want in this town.