Friend's eagle flew the coop. Now, we're trying to figure out how to keep it in its nest.

It's got small nibs on the feet, that mated to holes in the lid. It looks like JB Weld may have been used, originally, to affix it.
Should we go the same route, and slap it back together with JB, or can this be silver soldered, for a more solid solution?
6/3/15 12:22 p.m.
Tie it on with some leather. 
Looks like you already have the JB handy, try it.
I don't think you will want to solder it back on, you will get oxidation which will have to be cleaned off and I think it will be clear it was fixed.
Superglue doesn't hold up well to moisture, I'd go with the JB Weld.
6/3/15 3:28 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
Superglue doesn't hold up well to moisture, I'd go with the JB Weld.
Superglue Gel works underwater... I'm not sure how well it would adhere to metallic surfaces though.
Drill and tap the center of the three posts on the eagle bit to 4-40.

Drill through the pewter lid in the center of the holes.
run some stainless 4-40 button head screws up from the bottom into the bird.

It would take me about 8 minutes to do. The bird would break before it came off again.
Now that I am thinking about it I would probably put the mascot in place and drill through the lid and the eagle in the center and hold it down with one screw. The posts would stop it from turning.
Or I would just toss it because the world already has too much Harley Davidson "officially licensed" crap
I kid, I kid.... Or do I?
Insert H-D build quality joke? The later version had the eagle rubber mounted?
I've had great success with the locktite brand super glue, including in wet environments, but I don't recall using it on metal in wet environments.