Saturday night Trish and I hosted a Christmas party for members of the soaring club. 35 or so people showed up, each bringing a different dish; quite the eclectic mix!
Last year some members went out to Ephrata, Washington where a member lives and owns an aircraft instrument repair company. (Tony is at 2:00 in the clip, flying a DG 1000). Juergen hooked his something or other to a laptop and streamed videos to my TV. I knew some members went out to Ephrata but this was the first time I'd seen the video of it.
Damn you're making me homesick for the east side of the mountains (for the record, this is the REAL Washington state
). I used to live not too far from Ephrata and would move back in a heartbeat, unfortunately there's a bigger market for jobs / benefits on the west side 
Great video! I would love to get into gliding... I've lived in WA for 10 years: seven on the west side, the last three on the east side. I gotta say, I prefer the east side as well. But don't tell the west-siders how great it is, or they'll all come over -- luckily they think everyone over here is like this: 
^ It's funny because it's damn true 
For the record, I lived just off of Lake Roosevelt at Seven-Bay's Marina

Hunting, Fishing, and dirtbikes, and all right outside my front door.
914: If Tony is ever hiring I'd LOVE a heads up 
I did a 5 day canoe trip from Kettle Falls to Hawk Creek over the summer (one week before the fires). I love Lake Roosevelt.
12/20/14 8:59 a.m.
That's a spectacular video, and the music is great. I had to show it to my wife. And she said "you know, we really should be doing more interesting things." So for starters, it looks like we'll be taking a glider ride over Newport, RI this Spring. Who knows what it'll lead to. Thanks!
Very cool Gary. Most clubs have "Intro Flights" to give you a taste. Finding a club would be much less expensive than a commercial operation.
... and pictures are required.
12/20/14 10:11 a.m.
I love Eastern Washington!!

I know only one thing about Ephrata.