I'm looking for a foam wedge to use to raise my upper body some when I sleep.
My acid reflux burns my throat if I sleep flat. I'm sure they make some sort of covered foam wedge that would be like sleeping in an adjustable bed.
Once upon a time I saw one in one of those mags you see in the airplanes but if I remember correctly it was just about the price of a new mattress. I'm looking for something more grassroots on the pocketbook.
I've tried the hobby shops and they say check the mattress firms. The mattress firms all want to sell me an adjustable bed. You can buy a couple of cars for the price of one of those beds.
When it's acting up I sleep on the sofa and am actually quite a bit more comfortable than when I'm in a bed.
I've thought of cutting one, but can't figure out how to cut one that big.
BTW the bed's kingsized so I either need a king size one or 2 twin sizes.
Hotwire knife?
Another thing to try is putting blocks under the feet of the headboard. My wife has AR, and a couple chunks of 2x4 under the headboard made a world of difference, without feeling like we're laying on a hillside.
Would you be able to make a wooden wedge to go in between the mattress and box spring, or would that not work?
A Medical supply store. We used to always have a couple in the warehouse that would sit till the foam changed colors.
You can also try at an older family owned type pharmacy.
I've already got a couple of bricks underneath the headboard but I can't tell any difference.
My bed is an old style wooden frame with a few wooden runners between the wood side rails - it's actually quite a cool bed that I made myself. The issue with a wooden wedge is the oddball sizes and the limited amount of wood side rail to support it.
It would be a pretty big undertaking and then I'm not sure what it would do to the mattress itself at the bend point.
Also there's the look. The wood would show so I'd have to spend some time to make it purty. Also how many times would I have to remake it to find the proper height?
I thought I'd try the foam wedge first, but if I can't find one then that's the next best thing.
Sorry the blocking up the head didn't work for you. Just thought I'd throw that out there for you. I found this, though. $30 foam wedge
5/3/11 10:56 p.m.
Google Images searching the term "bed risers" brings the following.
Here is a sample:
If you only use two blocks, at the head, the whole bed would be slopped. Search to find a size that meets your need or craft similar yourself.
fasted58 wrote:
Now I wonder why I couldn't find them? It's all in the proper sequence of words when you search.
You anywhere near Wisconsin?

5/4/11 8:01 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
You anywhere near Wisconsin?
Do you think he did his own face paint in the mirror?
No joke...get one of those sex pillows advertised in the back of some magazines. Put it on the bed and be comfy. We might (or might not) own one of these and I might (or might not) use it to watch TV in the room. 
Only on this forum would a Miata and a sex pillow be the proper answer! 
The most important suggestion I can give you is to get on a daily treatment for AR. Don't continue to suffer from it. It can damage your esophagus which can eventually lead to Barrets Syndrome which can become cancerous. I just had my periodic upper GI inspection yesterday for just that reason. Got a good report I'm glad to say.
Having said that, make it a point not to eat after 6:30 p.m. That, and tremendous stress, was what initiated my problems. So if you are under excessive stress look for ways to eliminate it.
NSFW, but may work for you....in more ways than one.