Considering that the incandescant bulb is so damn simple and we've got the process completely sorted to the point that it probably costs less than 5 cents to make each one.
Versus the CFL which is way more complex and requires a lot more resources, plus if you break one, it kills your dog.
I doubt the energy saving is as grand as everyone thinks it is when you factor in the manufacturing process. In fact, I'd bet it's very close to zero.
5/17/11 12:30 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Considering that the incandescant bulb is so damn simple and we've got the process completely sorted to the point that it probably costs less than 5 cents to make each one.
Versus the CFL which is way more complex and requires a lot more resources, plus if you break one, it kills your dog.
I doubt the energy saving is as grand as everyone thinks it is when you factor in the manufacturing process. In fact, I'd bet it's very close to zero.
Simply because a rational being might have an argument like this against a thing means that the government should not regulate it (barring the example where you are infringing upon anothers freedom).
^Lots of speculation and conjecture, interesting, but without numbers, that's all it is.
Do you then also count the energy saved over the proposed lifetime as energy saved that could be credited at a plant level?
Everything in my house (that I can think of anyway) is either a CFL or a long florescent. I replaced the incans about 3 years ago. The only ones I've had fail were due to mishandling. I have some that are 24/7 bulbs, and some that get switched on and off a bunch.
I can't wait for LEDs to fall under $10. Our local Lowe's has them for $14 for a "40 watt equivalent" bulb. I want to see how they perform in the real world.
Oh, and how many incans can do this:
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
And I really don't think it has anything to do with you being white.
That was the joke portion of my semi-serious rant. ;) Because usually when I feel like I am being oppressed, it involves somebody pulling the race card; you see? 
z31maniac wrote:
^Lots of speculation and conjecture, interesting, but without numbers, that's all it is.
Yup, that's what it is.
Combined with a little rational thought and some common sense thrown in.
HiTempguy wrote:
I hate CFL because of the light they produce... does that make me a bad guy if I am willing to PAY for the nice, warming glow of an incandescent.
Nope, we moved into our house in December. it wasnt long until we were pulling out the all the CFL bulbs put in by the previous owners and installing regular incandescents. Mostly just because we didnt like the lighting. The other nagging issue was the dimmer switch didnt play nice with the basic CFL bulbs. I know you can buy CFL's that work with dimmers, no thanks.
5/17/11 2:35 p.m.
Don't get me started on this... We've had the ban here for over a year now and I still have yet to see a CFL that performs anywhere near as well as an incandescent does. LED bulbs are available too for 7~15 Euro each, but I'm not laying down that kind of cash to equip my rented apartment. The "ban" is just a sham, it's a way to move the energy consumption away from where the bulbs are used, to where they're manufactured (usually China), so that the "first world" can trumpet their success in environmentalism without actually tackling any of the real issues. Not to mention that If you live somewhere where it gets cold enough during the winter that you have to heat the house, i.e. 95% of the US, all of Canada, Britain, Germany, etc., your incandescent bulbs magically become 100% efficient. And in the summer the daylight hours are long so you don't use them nearly as much. Yeah, I'm annoyed.
oldsaw wrote:
With the pending demise of 100w incandescent bulbs, entrepeneurs will offer a LED alternative - at $50 a pop:;_ylt=AsE3Gkdtse.WMyLRBM_sWOCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNqNzVocWJlBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwNTE2L3VzX2xlZF9saWdodGluZwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzgEcG9zAzUEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNs
This doesn't exactly make me feel all that warm and fuzzy inside.
You know you can get these bulbs already from a GRM advertiser. Well, not sure if they are still on the list, but I do recall seeing the Super Bright LED ads to the left. They have a bulb that's $24.
For the record you borked that quote, that was not my statement.
Trans_Maro wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
^Lots of speculation and conjecture, interesting, but without numbers, that's all it is.
Yup, that's what it is.
Combined with a little rational thought and some common sense thrown in.
Rational thought and common sense ARE good.
But empirical evidence is better.
AngryCorvair wrote:
HiTempguy wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
Oh, that's right, well off, 1st world white guy here, how should I be punished today for having the freedom and prosperity my country enjoys?
you, sir, are a racist.
Racism is a slippery slope.

5/17/11 3:30 p.m.
that looks like fun.... regardless of the light bulbs used 
5/17/11 3:37 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
HiTempguy wrote:
I hate CFL because of the light they produce... does that make me a bad guy if I am willing to PAY for the nice, warming glow of an incandescent.
You also have options in the "Nice warm glow" category. Bonus... it uses absolutely no electricity.
Hey that candle is nothing but a soot and CO2 producer. I say we ban those too and replae with battery powered candles like this:

pfft you call that a candle?
Thought I'd update this.
Just got home, flicked the light switch and one of the light bulbs in the bathroom is dead. 1 out of the 4, installed in the bathroom for 20 months.
And these are only on when someone goes in, if only for a few seconds, never left on for extended periods of time.
I think Angry hates Canadians.

That makes me want to go curling. 
5/17/11 7:45 p.m.
Zomby woof wrote:
I think Angry hates Canadians.
Who doesn't?
Just poking at you to see if I can get on your sig line too.
I kid! Sorry, the "blame Canada" thing was funny to me, ya know.
5/17/11 7:46 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
That makes me want to go curling.
I don't know about curling, but it makes me want to do whatever that is.
I don't want to do it, but I do want to watch it.
This is one of only a small handful of threads that actually got BETTER on page two.
I have one fixture that eats CFL like they are going out of style. The first one lasted 2 months. The second 6. It has an incandescent in it now that has been in there over a year. It's a fully enclosed fixture and I think the ballasts overheat. The only other lights in the house with incandescent bulbs are my bed side light and the reading light over my chair. The rest of the house has CFLs in it. Mostly because my wife and kids leave them on all the time and I'm a cheap SOB. The ban is just more proof of a federal government with their head up their ass.