Was there a thread before discussing how to format text on the forum? My google fu is failing if there was.
If not, could someone in the know do a write up on how to format text on here?
Was there a thread before discussing how to format text on the forum? My google fu is failing if there was.
If not, could someone in the know do a write up on how to format text on here?
From the "Syntax Guide" in the preview box. You can use the drop down on the top right side of the preview box to view the original.
This is an overview of Markdown's syntax. For more information, visit the Markdown web site: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
This is italicized, and so is this. This is bold, and so is this. You can use italics and bold together if you have to.
Here's a link to Google: Google.
You can add a title
attribute to a link,
which will appear when the moused over.
Title attributes are helpful if your link text is not
descriptive enough to tell users where they're going.
Here's a poorly-named link to Google: poorly-named link.
You can insert a horizontal rule by putting three or more hyphens, asterisks or underscores on a line by themselves:
A bulleted list: - You can use a minus sign for a bullet + Or plus sign * Or an asterisk
A numbered list: 1. Numbered lists are easy 2. Markdown keeps track of the numbers for you 7. So this will be item 3.
Quotes are indented:
> The syntax is based on the way email programs > usually do quotations. You don't need to hard-wrap > the paragraphs in your blockquotes, > but it looks nicer if you do.
Images are exactly like links, but they have an exclamation point in front of them:
![Valid XHTML] (http://w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10).
The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image.
You can include preformatted text, just indent four spaces:
This would be preformatted text.
At least using Firefox, very very little of that syntax guide is even remotely useful. It has very little to do with how things appear and half the time it doesn't show you how to enter the formatting characters.
It's all just markdown, which is pretty bone simple. There are some long-overdue enhancements I'd love to see (like better newline handling and some bbcode support) but what's in place is pretty much just straight-up markdown.
Which parts? I mean, it was written about a zillion years ago in web time, but markdown hasn't really changed.
And what’s preformatted text?
Tim, I was just laughing at the example above. Seems like the newline formatting got screwed up, so bulleted lists, numbered lists, and quotes all failed.
A '#' sign is for different heading types. Each of the lines below has one more '#' symbol than the last.
Preformatted text is code & whatnot you want to show up without markdown formatting. Usually you can write HTML in it and have it show up, but that isn't working for me here.
FWIW, I have a ghost blog which operates with markdown. I find their guide a little more straightforward http://support.ghost.org/markdown-guide/
inline code test
> Seems like the newline formatting got screwed up
Yeah. The newline handling is wonky. You have to insert two spaces, then hit return. That's the key to lists, too. The newline handling wasn't good when I wrote it, and really should get fixed. (Note to GRM: I have the code you need. Have your web people contact me)
> Each of the lines below has one more '#' symbol than the last. Which is correct, although it's odd that the H1 and H2 are so similarly sized. Bit of a CSS fail, there.
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