Okay...I finally got most of you Forza players on my friend list on xBox live.
And now when I get online, I see y'all playing FM3. I don't have it yet (actually, I didn't even play 2 until August or so of this year), and I'm just curious.
What's it like?
10/31/09 1:24 a.m.
Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Say no more!
Just as good as FM2 I should say... We just got it in today so I've only got about 2 hours of gameplay in, but so far I am pretty impressed. I am really digging the in car view, I never use anything else.
I'm having a hard time getting used to the clutch. Only with downshifting anyway. I know I can just revert back to the manual w/o clutch setup, but I hate to feel defeated by a game, and for some reason, even more so when it's a racing game.
captainzib wrote:
I'm having a hard time getting used to the clutch. Only with downshifting anyway. I know I can just revert back to the manual w/o clutch setup, but I hate to feel defeated by a game, and for some reason, even more so when it's a racing game.
What's it like?
I have all the difficulties turned all the way up, so I'm making a 95% bonus per race. The only thing I'm not using is the clutch, which is that last 5%. I don't have a wheel, which is why I haven't tried it out on the controller yet.
I played the demo enough that I'm pretty damned good with the clutch. I think I'll play it that way when I actually buy it.
Salanis, did you get X-Box Live again?
Capt Slow wrote:
I remember seeing that on TV about 10 years ago! I never forgot it. I want to watch The Search for the Holy Grail now!
10/31/09 6:21 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote:
I played the demo enough that I'm pretty damned good with the clutch. I think I'll play it that way when I actually buy it.
Salanis, did you get X-Box Live again?
I figure I can at any moment. Problem is, bandwidth is limited here and my girlfriend works from home. When she needs the internet for work, I have to surrender it completely.
JeepinMatt wrote:
captainzib wrote:
I'm having a hard time getting used to the clutch. Only with downshifting anyway. I know I can just revert back to the manual w/o clutch setup, but I hate to feel defeated by a game, and for some reason, even more so when it's a racing game.
What's it like?
I have all the difficulties turned all the way up, so I'm making a 95% bonus per race. The only thing I'm not using is the clutch, which is that last 5%. I don't have a wheel, which is why I haven't tried it out on the controller yet.
I'm using the controller too. The left bumper is your clutch button, and trying to utilize that while braking is kinda difficult. I thought of swithing the X and B buttons with LB and RB for shifting, but then I'm mixing shift down with brake, and shift up with gas, and that'd be even worse.
What I really want to say about Forza 3 is that they have got the sense of speed down better than Forza 1 and 2. As in very well. In the last two Forzas, it felt like anything less than an A-class Ford GT or Viper was slow and plodding along. I mean, I knew C5 Corvettes and 350Zs were fast, but they didn't feel fast. Well, they do in Forza 3. Even the really low-end cars feel like you are going fast. Instead of building everything into an A-Class or S-Class car, I've had plenty of fun trying to build the perfect B, C and D class cars. I just built up a Datsun 510 into a very competent D-Class car and it really feels like I'm racing. If they'd have had the same car in the past game, it would have felt like a morning commute. For those who love to drive slow cars hard, it's a big deal. That's the game's greatest improvement to me; when I can take a stock car with under 100 hp and feel like I'm racing a sports car.
agree with jeepin matt. the C and B class cars are actually fun to drive. You aren't bored to into a comatose driving the slower cars. The in car cam is awesome as well.
This game makes me consider buying a 360 to go alongside the PS3.
Where can I get everyone's gamertags for future GRM races? is there another thread or does everyone just know by now. I'm falco150, for anyone who wants to add me.
I've never played any forza online so am really looking forward to it.
Jamesc2123 wrote:
Where can I get everyone's gamertags for future GRM races? is there another thread or does everyone just know by now. I'm falco150, for anyone who wants to add me.
I've never played any forza online so am really looking forward to it.
Here's a thread where we were sharing gamergtags:
I'm "friedgrncorrado" now, finally just opened another xB live account to get my good saved game online
I bought it yesterday. My second car was the 79 Camaro as I bought it to compete with E cars. What a riot. It was more tail happy than Lindsay Lohan but I dialed in the suspension and now it works pretty well.
Great game. I love how they actually showing damage on the cars and how it drives. I'm getting better and taking my time. That way when I race with you guys you won't get ticked. I feel like my "dirty" racing style at this stage in the game would not be appreciated.
I'm not mean...I'm just not that good yet.
cat and mouse is pretty damn fun in multiplayer online. It's kind of like demolition derby/nascar with really really fast cars and some slow cars. Good to throw in there in the mix of hardcore racing.
JeepinMatt wrote:
What I really want to say about Forza 3 is that they have got the sense of speed down better than Forza 1 and 2. As in very well. In the last two Forzas, it felt like anything less than an A-class Ford GT or Viper was slow and plodding along. I mean, I knew C5 Corvettes and 350Zs were fast, but they didn't feel fast. Well, they do in Forza 3. Even the really low-end cars feel like you are going fast. Instead of building everything into an A-Class or S-Class car, I've had plenty of fun trying to build the perfect B, C and D class cars. I just built up a Datsun 510 into a very competent D-Class car and it really feels like I'm racing. If they'd have had the same car in the past game, it would have felt like a morning commute. For those who love to drive slow cars hard, it's a big deal. That's the game's greatest improvement to me; when I can take a stock car with under 100 hp and feel like I'm racing a sports car.
Dito, in the old game anytime a car got below about 40mph it felt like it wasn't moving at all, i had a hard time judging slow corners like the ones at test track. But they brought back Fujimi Kaido and made it twice as long! and that makes me very happy. Sadly no one seems to want to use any car under A class which is a bummer because i mostly fool with the slower cars.
With 2 I had an ability gap between about B class and the R classes. I was good at D & C, a bit worse in B, mediocre in A, and forget it in S and U, then good again in all 4 R classes. I am liking the new classing system. And though I haven't played around much yet with the R classes in 3, I can say there is an appropriate bump in difficulty to drive them well.
Also, for any one that wants it, I put together my best approximation of the GRM bumper sticker. Either go to my storefront or search for GRM and you should find it. It's free by the way. Enjoy.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
11/2/09 11:12 a.m.
I feel the same way. I can run in the lower classes with no assists and have a great time, but when I get past A-class I've got to turn some traction control on or suck.
I'm completely in favor of a scheduled online meet up online. If it's a designated time and date, I can tell my wife it's for work. 
i have a decent grm bumper sticker as well my buddy made up. I'll throw it up on my store front as well. Screen name on XBL equates to the same one I post with on here.
JohnGalt wrote:
Dito, in the old game anytime a car got below about 40mph it felt like it wasn't moving at all, i had a hard time judging slow corners like the ones at test track. But they brought back Fujimi Kaido and made it twice as long! and that makes me very happy. Sadly no one seems to want to use any car under A class which is a bummer because i mostly fool with the slower cars.
Turn 10, in their infinite wisdom decided to make the Public Lobbies A Class and up for the first few weeks. If you want a lower class race, you have to start a Private Lobby, and hope you have at least one person on your friends list who wants to play.
I played a little bit in a Private Lobby the first night out, and got to Champion 28 pretty quickly. With the way the people in Public Lobbies are kicking anybody with a high ranking (Being voted off the island, so to speak), I havn't tried one yet. There are plenty of horror stories on the Forza forums.
Bah, racing online was somewhat annoying in Forza 2. My brother in law has Forza 3 and Xbox Live. He might be a while away, but I'll just call him up whenever for a race.