EDIT IN YOUR TAG IF YOU CAN IN BOLD I'm making a table that will be uploaded to a website to help us out.
Forza guys,
We don't have the best set up for getting together and racing and that's one of the more exciting parts of the game. I though we could put a thread together of when we are available to play. Our schedules can be daunting to work around, so this may ease the process. I work two jobs, but luckily I have gotten scheduling taken care of, so I'll start out and we can figure out who can play with who and when the best time to jump in a game is.
The best time for me to play is:
- Mon-Thurs 3pm Central to 8pm Central.
- Sunday morning any time until 4pm Central.
Gamertag: N Sperlo
2/27/12 4:27 p.m.
The best time for me to play is:
- Wed 8PM-10PM Pacific
- Sun 7AM-9AM Pacific, 7PM-9PM Pacific
Gamertag: TurboJavelin
Now that we won the state championship in basketball and the season is over, I'm gonna be on almost ALL the time.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7p-9p EST
Probably be another 9 weeks before I get the time to play again. Damn nursing school. 
GamerTag: Ranger50T
With the kid, my life's a bit chaotic, so I can't really say specific times.
Best I can say is 1500-1600 Pacific, and 2000-2200 Pacific weekdays, and 1500-2200 on weekends.
What would work for me is a schedule that's a couple weeks out so that I can see when games are and try to make sure that I'm free.
I've got the page set up, but godaddy's FTP uploader is being a bitch. Tuesday I'll add those below here and hopefully godaddy works. I blame Danika.
The best time for me to play is:
- Mon-Fri: 8pm Central to 12am Central.
- Fri-Sat: Any time (by request) Friday after 8:00pm
- Sun: Noon-Midnight Central
Gamertag: barrowcadbury
2/27/12 6:57 p.m.
Can somebody with the power please send me an invite to TGRM on Forza? Thanks!
You're already in the club. I approved you Saturday night.
Gamertag is szeis4cookie
Availability: Friday nights after 8:30 pm, Monday-Wednesday 8:30pm-10pm, Saturday nights 8:30pm - 11pm
All times Eastern
Im down on the weekends. I work 3rd shift, so weeknights are no good, but I will still mess around if anyone wants to run test and tune or practice.
Gamer Tag : Cole_Trickle83
The best time for me to play is:
■ Sunday-Tuesday 9PM-3AM Eastern. Sometimes all day if I'm being lazy.
Gamertag: BobOfTheFuture
Edit- Got some snark on the webpage, So ill clear this up
Awesome page!
I love this entry:
racerfink | Sun-Sat | All The Friggen Time
Cool stuff. I updated my info due to the snark 
Hmmm... I can work with that. 
I work nights and on a flex schedual. Every other Thursday night 8:30 pm or so (after the kids are in bed etc) Friday and Saturday around the same time. Odd times during the week starting around 1:30 AM until I fall asleep LOL!
All times PST
2/29/12 11:51 p.m.
The best days for me to play are:
■ Sunday / Tuesday / Wednesday - I'm on Central time.
Gamertag: redstapler81
Any day after 2000 EST is good for me.
I'm usually on after work M-F 5p-until Eastern . . . and if I'm bored or ducking work on the weekends 
I don't have a set schedule as I need to blow some steam and shoot at people in MW3 after work.
GamerTag: X20A 00W0