David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/25/24 4:48 p.m.

The pandemic was still pandemicing, and about six months earlier we had said goodbye to our pups. We figured it was time to think about adding to the family.

The shelters were rather empty, but we kept visiting. 

During one visit, we saw them bring over this scared, little dog. She was missing a bunch of hair and just looked like a hot mess.

Still, we said, let’s check her out. 

As soon as we got outside with her, she pottied. Was the trained?

She sat with us and was very chill and loving.

Sold. We put our name on her.

We had to wait for the vet to sign off and stuff, so while today isn’t technically her gotcha day, it’s the day we met. 

preach UltraDork
7/25/24 5:22 p.m.

I absolutely love dogs. Congrats on a fine looking pooch!

We got our ladies about 1.5 years after mrs. preach's Iggy died. 

Here is Karmann and Ghia melting your heart:

That was about 2 years ago. So tiny with baby fat still. Now they are 50# each of very rugged sisters.

vwcorvette (Forum Supporter)
vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
7/25/24 9:25 p.m.

Friday is Luna's gotcha day. Three years. Originally a street dog in Qatar. She's a smooth haired Saluki.

She does most of the modeling for my wife's store @Houndstoothvt.

Luna, Luna Mae, Luna Tuna, Luna Tuna Noodle Casserole, Noodles, Noodley Nu, Luna Long Nose, leader of the Saluki Mafia.

lotusseven7 (Forum Supporter)
lotusseven7 (Forum Supporter) Dork
7/25/24 9:34 p.m.

Nice story and cute pup.


We had been without a dog in the house for 13 years and that all changed last January. There's a long backstory, but let's just say that our little guy is 18 months old and it's been a wonderful ride so far. Looking forward to many more years with my "wing man".


Geoffrey New Reader
7/26/24 2:31 a.m.

Lucky dog!

Lucky family!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
7/26/24 6:51 a.m.

Oh, that looks like a heckin good pupper!!!!!  Give loads of scratches please!



This guy showed up in our village and was trying to play with the children across the street while they waited for the school bus one morning.  We could tell he'd been treated by a vet recently for wounds to his head, but we'd later find out he had a broken leg at some point.  I intervened so the kids could get on the bus and the mom across the street wasn't happy.  She thought he was my dog (I explained he wasnt).

We had 4 dogs already and there was no way we were going to be able to take one more in.  It killed me to do it, but i had to shut the door on this guy.

For 3 days he stayed out in front of our house with no food or water (I'm not kidding, we really could NOT take another dog in.  We were flat broke and it's damn expensive taking care of the ones we have).

On the fourth day I opened the door and said "You might as well come in, Dammit". 

And the name stuck.

His full name is "Dammit Jim" but we call him D.J. for short.  He is the most playful, loving, caring, snuggly guy I've ever seen.  We've had him less than a year, but it feels like he's always been part of our lives (we're only JUST paying off the debt we incurred for his surgery he needed after we took him in, but it was worth it)

ddavidv UltimaDork
7/26/24 7:11 a.m.

Wallens' dog is exactly my flavor. That would have been hard to resist. We've had a lot of dogs in our 30 years together, but currently only have one because he's an English Shepherd and therefore hates anything new. 35 lbs of hyper-protective fury.

J.A. Ackley
J.A. Ackley Senior Editor
7/26/24 8:34 a.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens :

David's pup is awesome. She's definitely the highlight of any visit I have at David's. Congrats on the anniversary!

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/26/24 11:18 a.m.

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words.

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