Bobzilla said:
Anyone ever notice that the conservative viewpoint get's ONE television station reporting their views and everyone calls if fake. But the liberal side gets 5 major stations and no one says poop.
I suggested Bob start a new thread instead of floundering SVreX's. Here it is. Now. Get to it!

REally? I get my own? THis is Awesome Sauce at it's best!
Cable News viewership race
Friday March 13, 2009
As usual, Fox tops the cable news channels.
Fox News - Bill O’Reilly - 3,185,000
Fox News - Glenn Beck - 3,074,000
Fox News - Sean Hannity - 2,557,000
Fox News - Bret Baier - 2,151,000
Fox News - Shephard Smith - 1,879,000
Fox News - Greta Van Susteren - 1,522,000
MSNBC - Keith Olbernann - 1,223,000
CNN - Larry King - 1,046,000
CNNHN - Nancy Grace - 1,045,000
MSNBC - Rachel Maddow - 954,000
...from Matt Drudge
I will say there are a lot of you guys..
I personally think it's good that there is an opposing view news station. They can go as far right as teh other 5 go far left.
But then there's the typical liberal basher's that will only point out that Fox is rightwinghardcore and ignore the fact that the others are left wing hardcore.....
Bobzilla wrote:
that the others are left wing hardcore.....
i don't believe this when talking about the main stream media. If you were talking about Democracy Now or Air America maybe..
liberal leaning maybe.. but honestly all news stations hone their broadcast to get max viewership. I know, I worked for a local NBC affiliate for a while
MSNBC is more biased to the left than Fox is to the right, and I think Fox is clearly biased to the right.
Chris Matthews?
Rachel Maddow?
Keith Oberman?
It's like an Obama fan club.
My main problem is that ALL media outlets spin and push their agenda. Crap from the left, crap from the right......
Y'all could always check out Reason, a libertarian mag/website. Its nice to get a equally critical view of the left and the right sometimes.
For the record (since I didn't name the thread) I never said I agreed with Fox news. In fact, I don;t agree with ANY of them. I think they are all biased and are reporting what they want you to see. I've gotten to where I won't even watch any mainstream news channel because of it.
ignorant wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
that the others are left wing hardcore.....
i don't believe this when talking about the main stream media. If you were talking about Democracy Now or Air America maybe..
Then you are as blind as the rest of the sheeple. They have only been reporting what they want you t ohear about for DECADES.
Bobzilla wrote:
...In fact, I don;t agree with ANY of them. I think they are all biased and are reporting what they want you to see. I've gotten to where I won't even watch any mainstream news channel because of it.
They all only tell enough truth to keep them from getting sued or fired. Can anyone say out of context? They all do it equally. The real news is some where between the far right and the far left.
edit: You almost have to dig for it your self.
Digging for yourself is no good because just about everybody in the US mass media uses the Associated Press or Reuters or similar. AP is DAMN sure lefty. So that leaves you with bloggers who are just spouting opinions with no facts to back it up.
[rant] Talk about slanted; Obama had a cakewalk during his campaign. Was I the only one who noticed that Ayers character was never interviewed on TV until AFTER the elections when it was positive that he couldn't do any damage? [/rant]
Numbers don't mean anything. Hitler had a lot of fans, too.
3/27/09 10:33 p.m.
Travel around a bit outside the USA and you will stop bitching about our press. We have a FREE PRESS that is allowed to print and say whatever they want to. Yes, they have their own agendas. Yes they can be infuriating. But they don't get dead for it. That happens a lot elsewhere. In the islands, the press will not go up against the governments. I don't know why, but the governments are very corrupt. A good investigative reporter would have a lifetime supply of good mud to work with. It don't happen. So, for all of you that bitch about the reporting you don't like, be damned thankful for what we have, the best press corp in the world.
New Reader
3/27/09 10:35 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
REally? I get my own? THis is Awesome Sauce at it's best!
awesome sauce is really tasty...
Wait... there's liberal media?
poopshovel wrote:
thatsnowinnebago wrote:
Y'all could always check out Reason, a libertarian mag/website. Its nice to get a equally critical view of the left and the right sometimes.
link? Now did I really need to do that for you? 
Jensenman wrote:
Digging for yourself is no good because just about everybody in the US mass media uses the Associated Press or Reuters or similar. AP is DAMN sure lefty. So that leaves you with bloggers who are just spouting opinions with no facts to back it up.
if you would listen to me and read the christian scienence monitor.. They have their own correspondants and only have ONE religious article per publication. They are the best non biased news I've ever found.
Is Showbiz Tonight on CNN right wing or left wing? What about Nancy Grace? What about all that 24-7 coverage of American Idol, Brittney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton?
The problem with the news media is that half of what they put out isn't even news.
cwh wrote:
Travel around a bit outside the USA and you will stop bitching about our press. We have a FREE PRESS that is allowed to print and say whatever they want to. Yes, they have their own agendas. Yes they can be infuriating. But they don't get dead for it. That happens a lot elsewhere. In the islands, the press will not go up against the governments. I don't know why, but the governments are very corrupt. A good investigative reporter would have a lifetime supply of good mud to work with. It don't happen. So, for all of you that bitch about the reporting you don't like, be damned thankful for what we have, the best press corp in the world.
Oh and to put this in perspective Australia has about 8 real export industries, so crushing one is huge over there.
Dude, you have free press in the USA, where? An example about 10 years ago I arrived shiny and fresh to the US to hear a lot of complaints in the media regarding Japan supporting their industries and costing American money through tax subsidies (sic) At the exact same time the US completely routed the Aussie Lamb (meat) industry by doing the exact same thing, yet you nor any other American heard a word about how your government slammed a friendly and supportive nation.
Your idea of free press and mine vary somewhat.
aussiesmg wrote:
cwh wrote:
Travel around a bit outside the USA and you will stop bitching about our press. We have a FREE PRESS that is allowed to print and say whatever they want to. Yes, they have their own agendas. Yes they can be infuriating. But they don't get dead for it. That happens a lot elsewhere. In the islands, the press will not go up against the governments. I don't know why, but the governments are very corrupt. A good investigative reporter would have a lifetime supply of good mud to work with. It don't happen. So, for all of you that bitch about the reporting you don't like, be damned thankful for what we have, the best press corp in the world.
Oh and to put this in perspective Australia has about 8 real export industries, so crushing one is huge over there.
Dude, you have free press in the USA, where? An example about 10 years ago I arrived shiny and fresh to the US to hear a lot of complaints in the media regarding Japan supporting their industries and costing American money through tax subsidies (sic) At the exact same time the US completely routed the Aussie Lamb (meat) industry by doing the exact same thing, yet you nor any other American heard a word about how your government slammed a friendly and supportive nation.
Your idea of free press and mine vary somewhat.
I agree with aussiemg. Europe and specifically the UK have excellent news outlets. Generally they still believe in telling the news rather than generating ratings.
Bobzilla wrote:
ignorant wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
that the others are left wing hardcore.....
i don't believe this when talking about the main stream media. If you were talking about Democracy Now or Air America maybe..
Then you are as blind as the rest of the sheeple. They have only been reporting what they want you t ohear about for DECADES.
Bob, my instant reaction is discredit anyones viewpoint who uses the phrase "sheeple." The word makes me extremely angry because what it does in 7 letters is marginalize the viewpoints of others quickly. It implies those that agree with a viewpoint differing from yours are weak, thoughtless beings that should be led to the slaughter. To be very honest it is extremely close to the language used by the nazi's to animalize people and therefore justify their killing. I think very lowly of people who use that word.
Please note: I chose a nice way to tell you the way I feel instead of saying what was really the 1st thought that popped into my head. Which was something about using the word sheeple to justify your "honest and virtuous different life in the trailer park as being the only true way..
Nancy Grace is a damn weirdo. Stop staring at me with those creepy eyes!