Hey folks! I need some guidance here.
My computer neophyte girlfriend is attempting to learn how to use one of these infernal devices, and I've been charged with helping her find sites she'd like. Classic case of the blind leading the blind.
Though you'd never guess it from my post count, I use a dial-up connection. My GF has little interest in internet forums (as of yet), but enjoys visiting simple game sites while she learns the ropes of the culture. Trouble is that most of what she's located in that area are too slow loading to work effectively with a 56k line, or call for a paid subscription. I was wondering if anybody knew of some sites or games she could try that may offer more intellectual stimulation than Bingo, etc. Something along the lines of PacMan, Labyrinth, etc.
I brag on y'all to her all the time, and assured her we'd have addresses within a short while after asking. I'm correct, right?
Anyway, anything y'all could throw our way would be appreciated.