The lunch I had this week was good. As expected, I didn't walk out of that with anything definite, but it's planting seeds for the future, growing my network, getting good feedback and ideas, and she's a pretty cool person with an interesting side project tangentially related to the automotive field. Definitely someone to stay in contact with.
The interview went really well, I thought. I was really inside myself and nervous about it beforehand but once we started talking everything sort of fell into place and it became perfectly natural. In retrospect, I don't fully understand why I was so wrapped around the axle leading up to that call. That is the sort of thing that I've been doing professionally for a very long time. While it's a little bit different that the only thing I'm selling is myself and the stakes are much higher for me personally, the basic format and content is no different that the hundreds of initial meetings I've been on in the past where my first task is to sell the customer on me and make them feel like I am competent, honest, and trustworthy. Fortunately, once the basic introductions were past and we got to the meat of the interview, I switched on and it just became a regular conversation. I'm expecting to hear back in the next week for a second interview with the hiring manager.
One that I'm most excited about, however, is an opportunity that I found on LinkedIn yesterday morning. I've been wanting to shift into something that's going to be seeing growth and there's a particular player in the cybersecurity space that I've been watching for a while. My former manager went to this outfit when he got laid off about 8 years ago from our former employer. The position that came up is specifically for this city, so I'm not competing with everyone in the US - which is really nice. The role is perfect for me - I would be responsible for becoming a technical expert and then going from partner to partner to train and mentor them and help them to sell our product to their customers while being their primary technical escalation point. I would get to learn and teach which is kind of a dream job for me. I had applied to several roles at this company in the last 4 months, including before I got laid off and when I had asked my former manager about those positions, I didn't really get a lot of help from him. This time, however, I tried a different approach that I think has some lessons in it.
Before, I had asked him if he knew anything about the particular role and didn't really give a specific ask. I was just kind of generally asking if he could help me out and he was responding in the affirmative but with nothing specific. This time, I texted him as soon as I saw the opening and told him that I was still banging my head against the process and wasn't about to give up. There's an opening that would be perfect for me, but I need your help. Who is the hiring manager for this position?
This time, I made my ask very specific and gave him an action to take instead of making him come up with an action on his own. Within an hour, he had sniffed out the recruiter that had the position and by the close of business he had given me the name of the hiring manager and he had emailed that hiring manager to find out the best way to go through the process. I put in my application (again) last night and pinged the recruiter and the hiring manager on LinkedIn with a short introductory message. The hiring manager actually got back to me pretty quickly saying that I come highly recommended from my former manager and that he was looking forward to arranging an interview.
The biggest problem that I'm going to have is that while I have a pretty good background in data governance and compliance, my resume is very focused on storage. So when I do wind up interviewing there, I'm going to have to have brushed up on my security knowledge so I can speak the vernacular and highlight my abilities to learn quickly and to teach other people, since those are really the biggest parts of the job.
I know I keep saying this, but it's so very true: It's all about who you know.