I know we've got a lot of members with green thumbs, so I'm curious what you've all got in season right now. What you're doing for fertilizer etc.

I'm averaging about 50 pounds of veggies a week right now out of my 50'x25' plot and it's only increasing every day as more plants find their stride. I run raised rows with black weed cloth and dripper lines to keep weeds down where I can to keep maintenance chores at a minimum.
8/13/14 6:06 p.m.
Dude, you could make some KICKIN salsa with what you got goin on there. Also, props for the squashes, little butter, little salt, wrap them bad boys up and throw em on the grill (after slicing all small like) and OMNOMNOMNOMNOM.
We got a LOT of squash, stuff just grows like mad. Also got a couple mason jars worth of black beans, some spaghetti squash, acorn squash, a paper grocery bag full of green beans, and some cantelope. Lettuce was done long ago.
In other news, our latest batch of hens is just beginning to lay and our meat rabbit pooped out 7 babies.
We're in MD. We have had a great year for cukes tomatoes herb and spicy peppers. Epic fail on the squash/zucchini.
I'm still learning WHAT grows. Tomatos seem pretty easy- and what's fun about our is that they ripen at about the same rate that we (two of us) can eat them. Decent cukes. Most root veggies are a no-go- I've got an invasive tree that just fills my gardens with roots...
Trying to find a place for strawberries and other fruit, too.
Most important, enjoying the work.
8/13/14 7:30 p.m.
Tralfaz wrote:
We're in MD. We have had a great year for cukes tomatoes herb and spicy peppers.
Same here. Our garden is only 10' x 20' but we have already canned 35 quarts of tomatoes, and 14 pints of green beans. We do bell peppers and they are doing well also. We stuff them and freeze them for later. I did a replant of the green beans on Monday and hope they do as well as the first crop. Neighbors have been over supplied with cucumbers so I guess we will need to make some pickles.
Has Maryland had it as mild as VA this summer? My bucket garden here in rva is doing great. Top pic is from a month or so back but got tomato, kale, strawberry, broccoli, and peppers (including Carolina reaper, Trinidad moruga scorpion, and bhut jolokia (ghost)). The tall bush to the left is a ghost pepper my buddy kept alive all winter, I've picked over 70 peppers off it and still going strong.

8/14/14 7:41 a.m.
I've made two raised beds out of (6) 2x6 that are 4' by 8' each. We got a bunch of green beans, a couple of tomatoes, a couple of peppers, a couple zucchini squash, and mini handful of strawberries.
We are still figuring out what grows and how to do it all. It's fun and gives the wife a bit of a hobby.
We picked, stringed, and canned 99 quarts of green beans last Saturday. That was eight 5-gal buckets worth of pole beans. I didn't bother picking the bush beans. I dug enough potatoes for a meal and got a dozen or so peppers of various varieties. Tomatoes and corn will be ready in a week or so. Our garden is about 45x70. Plenty of rain and very mild in southern WV this year.