Our son's in laws were in town with three other couples to go to the track and invited Trish and I.
Mmmmm no, but they wanted to see a rodeo. Two couples are from Long Island, two from Maryland; there happens to be a nice one two miles away.
My wife is friends with the rodeo owners and started working there one day a week to help them out, so we got the VIP box right at the launch gate. (great seats, but you have to walk farther for beer)
Starts with the stars & stripes, pretty girls on horses, goes to Bronco riding, then roping and then girl barrel racing. Girls & women in different classes. Last is the bull riding.
One poor kid went down hard, got stomped on by the bull and the rodeo clown threw his body on top of the guy to protect him. Trish tells me there's a clown cam on this site but it won't open for me; she says it's up close & personal with the bottom of pissed off a bull.
Talking with the owner later, he's OK BTW. The kid did this in Vermont not long ago, they are going to suggest he take up bowling.
If you can get it to link please let me know.