Like a lot of people do, my wife and I failed to heed everyone's advice and currently have about $15,000 in credit card debt. On top of this, i'm beginning to grow pretty weary of my current job, and only having a High School Diploma and a couple years of random college classes under my belt, my options are pretty limited. Lately we've grown tired of basically making no forward progress in life, especially now that we have a 4 month old child. We currently make about $2,000 a month between us and, as you can imagine, a lot of it goes to paying off debt.
We've decided to go another route. Rather than just collect a bunch of useless junk that seldom (if ever) gets used, we're going to live the way we want and hope to do it on very little money. So we've decided to sell of most of our possesions and really start pinching pennies so we can pay off our debt ASAP (it's been 3 weeks and we've already got $2,000) and start looking for the house in the country we've always wanted. We eventually want to go off the grid and grow at least some of our own food. There doesn't seem to be any reason that once everything is said and done we can't live on around $1,000 a month and both (happily) work less. With some careful budgeting it looks as though this should be doable in about two and a half years.
I plan on talking to a mortgage officer but wondered if you guys might have any insight first:
We're currently upside down on our mortgage (we owe $5-10K more than it's worth). Assuming the market hasn't rebounded when we move do we pay the difference or can that be rolled into another mortgage?
Our current loan is an FHA loan and required no down payment, do conventional loans have such an option? We are going to try to save for a down payment but if we find that perfect house and dont have the money saved yet we'd still like to be able to make the leap.
Any advice from someone who's been in a similar situation is most definitely welcome.
thanks all!