I thought it was banished but it has come back from the grave, making this site unuseable from my Android phone. Who knows how to make it go away?
I thought it was banished but it has come back from the grave, making this site unuseable from my Android phone. Who knows how to make it go away?
I will let the powers that be know about this. If you can, please post which version of your android operating system you are on and which browser you are using as that may help them figure this out. Also, if you can grab and post a screen shot of the banner please do.
Hi Jay, Sorry for the inconvenience. I thought we had heard the last of this, too. Like ECM said, could you let us know what version OS you are running?
OK, it's running 4.4.2, and the browser is opera mini. that may be the problem right there, but my passwords are in that one. It looks like the banner is banished if I use the browser that came with the phone, which, it goes without saying, doen't work on many other pages.
Jay, I brought this up with our web developers. Honestly, we're all kind of confused as to how this was happening. The pop-up was commented out in October when we released the user dashboard.
We think it might have something to do with Opera Mini. I have never used it personally, but our web developers say it's very different in the way it downloads and compresses the pages on Opera's servers. Apparently it makes our site much less user-friendly and I'm guessing that strangeness also causes the pop-up to reappear somehow.
I would suggest simply using another browser. Hope this helps!
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