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DuctTape&Bondo HalfDork
2/6/13 1:30 p.m.

Ditto California. If you rear end someone you're most likely going to be at fault.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron PowerDork
2/6/13 1:31 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Oh... right... on topic... brake checking is for retards.

I tap the brakes at people who tailgate me on the freeway when there is an open lane to the left that they could pass me in but won't. Especially if I'm doing 5 over and in a sports car that can out-brake them in the event of an emergency.

(I'm thinking of YOU douchy Smart-car driver that wants to draft off my M Coupe!)

jere Reader
2/6/13 9:28 p.m.

In reply to vwcorvette:

If the driver ahead has a legit reason for braking then the guy following is at fault. Now if road rage/brake checking is mentioned and or nothing in the road like a deer is mentioned the LEO can site road rage-er/brake checker and or the tailgater.... Unless you don't have any road rage laws in your state or something is different about interpretation of laws where you are? In Ohio this is the case, as explained to me by a state highway patrol officer/ defensive driving instructor

It's a stupid situation to be in either way

Mitchell SuperDork
2/6/13 10:13 p.m.

What about accidentally downshifting to 2nd rather than 4th, and having your foot slip off of the clutch at the same time? It could happen.

jere Reader
2/7/13 6:43 a.m.

In reply to Datsun1500:

Thanks for clarifying I didn't mean that the word road rage or brake check was the technical term for what you will be cited with. (There have also been cases of manslaughter, assault with a deadly weapon associated with brake checkers to add to your list.) It all depends on what the officer hears and how they think things happened, how bad the resulting damage is...

mad_machine MegaDork
2/7/13 9:14 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: Or a switch to pop the lights without actually slowing down.

rear fogs work well for this

iceracer UltraDork
2/7/13 10:44 a.m.

Had a car tailgating me. I hit the hazzard warning light (four ways) switch.

Immediate back off.

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