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JeepinMatt HalfDork
1/10/10 1:52 p.m.

Ok, I already know about Saving Private Ryan, the Longest Day, U-571, A Bridge Too Far, Das Boot, Battle of Britain, Enemy at the Gates and Band of Brothers. I'm also looking forward to The Pacific on HBO this March, from the people that made BoB. I was thinking about the Mediterranean and North African campaigns and how they get no attention. Besides The Big Red One, any good movies that deals with either?

Osterkraut Dork
1/10/10 2:03 p.m.


ignorant SuperDork
1/10/10 2:04 p.m.


Back to Batan is one of my favorites..


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_GI_Joe <--- about Ernie Pyle...

I love the stuff made during the war and just after the war. Soooo good.

ignorant SuperDork
1/10/10 2:08 p.m.


The fighting rats of tobruk?

ignorant SuperDork
1/10/10 2:09 p.m.
Osterkraut wrote: Patton.


eastsidemav Reader
1/10/10 2:18 p.m.

I know its the European campaign, but I've always been partial to Battle of the Bulge.

And this one's a comedy, but if you haven't seen it, check out Kelly's heroes.

JeepinMatt HalfDork
1/10/10 2:21 p.m.

I usually prefer the historically accurate or at least plausible movies. The Dirty Dozen didn't particularly appeal to me. I didn't like Windtalkers or Pearl Harbor (bleh) either.

4eyes Reader
1/10/10 2:22 p.m.

The Dirty Dozen, The Guns of Navarone, Where Eagles Dare.

Gubby New Reader
1/10/10 2:30 p.m.

Though the action scenes are a liiiiiiitle cheesy, I've always been a fan of "Von Ryan's Express." A film I dug when I was a kid, but then grew to realize was not particularly very good, was "Midway" starring........everyone that could not be packed into "A Bridge Too Far." "The Big Red One?" just try not to laugh during the Normandy scene and you will do fine.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
1/10/10 2:36 p.m.

Soldiers and Saints.

ReverendDexter Dork
1/10/10 2:42 p.m.

Tora! Tora! Tora! is a good one about the battle in the Pacific.

And there's always "The Final Countdown", hahaha: IMDB

stuart in mn
stuart in mn SuperDork
1/10/10 2:54 p.m.

An oldie (it's in black and white) but a goodie: The Train http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059825/

Goldmember Reader
1/10/10 3:38 p.m.

"Kelley's Hero's" is a classic, if not real accurate - "Enough with those negative waves, Crap Game!"

"Is Paris Burning?" - B&W, European Theater, but real good.

Patton - +1,000,000

"Sahara" - more comedy than reality, but still worth watching.

Is "Rat Patrol" available on DVD yet?!?!?!

GR40RACER New Reader
1/10/10 3:40 p.m.

To Hell And Back - about Audie Murphy staring Audie Murphy.

The Longest Day - staring everyone including John Wayne.

Kelly's Heros - a lighthearted WWII comedy.

Enemy At The Gates - about Russian sniper Vassili Zaitsev

tr8todd New Reader
1/10/10 3:45 p.m.

Animal House. I love the part where the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor.

Tighe New Reader
1/10/10 3:54 p.m.

South Pacific

Flags of Our Fathers; Letters from Iwo Jima


Downfall; Conspiracy

miwifri New Reader
1/10/10 3:58 p.m.

'03 Springfield, M1 Garand and M1 carbine aren't movies but they are from WW II and very entertaining.

JeepinMatt HalfDork
1/10/10 4:00 p.m.

I forgot Tora Tora Tora. I've got that one. I don't usually go for the campy early ones. The Longest Day was good because it tried to be very accurate.

92dxman Reader
1/10/10 4:03 p.m.

I'm suprised Battle of the Bulge hasn't been mentioned yet. Pretty good cast including Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, James McArthur (yes Dan-o), Telly Savalas and Charles Bronson.

Also, I've never seen it but Bridge on the River Kwai is pretty highly regarded.

Great Escape.

TJ Dork
1/10/10 4:04 p.m.
tr8todd wrote: Animal House. I love the part where the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor.


Forget it, he's rolling.

JeepinMatt HalfDork
1/10/10 4:20 p.m.

Two movies I want to check out are Days of Glory, a 2006 film about four North African soldiers who enlist to fight for France. I'll have to turn on subtitles, since I don't speak French or Arabic. It's supposed to have great battle scenes; they've called it the Arabic/French equal to Saving Private Ryan. The other film, Dark Blue World, is from 2001 and was made in the Czech Republic. It's about two Czech fighter pilots who flee to England and join the RAF to fight in the Battle of Britain after Czechoslovakia capitulates to the Nazis and disbands their aircraft.

qued New Reader
1/10/10 4:56 p.m.

Days of Glory is a very good film, really emotional ending. If you don't mind subtitles check out "Die Brücke" a 1959 German film. Watch Saving Private Ryan after, you may spot SOME similarities. Also 9 Rota is very good, but is a different war.

Streetwiseguy New Reader
1/10/10 5:17 p.m.

Absolutley- Bridge on the River Kwai. Alec Guiness is brilliant, and the actor playing the Japanese camp commandant is equally so.

Rat Patrol is now out on DVD- I have not bought it yet, out of fear that my 21st century eyes won't get the same pleasure my 1960's eyes did.

JFX001 Dork
1/10/10 5:23 p.m.


lewbud New Reader
1/10/10 5:45 p.m.

If you're looking for North Africa stuff, the Desert Fox starring James Mason is available on DVD as are Tobruk and I believe El Alamein. I haven't seen them so I can't comment on how good they are. If you're looking for Pacific stuff, any of the John Wayne movies are entertaining.

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