Sitting at CVG waiting for my flight. It was great to see all of my family again, and meet up with a couple old friends. I missed connecting with some cousins, it's tough when you're only in town for a couple days.
But those couple days were enough of a reminder of why I left this hell hole in the first place.
I can't wait to be back home were the 100 degree heat feels 20 degrees cooler then the 93 it is here.
See ya in two or three more years, maybe.
9/7/15 4:34 p.m.
LOL - we moved back home 2 yrs ago and while we love having the family and friends around we had really enjoyed our time in Dallas. The town has lots of good stuff going on with some nice history but I would take the 105 degree Dallas days with no humidity over the Cincy 90 degreees with 90% humidity summer...
In reply to 84FSP:
Mom said it has been pretty reasonable most of the summer, it only got bad when we came in
the nice part of cincy is in kentucky. and it's still a pit except the riverfront stuff.
9/7/15 7:05 p.m.
My only (vague) memory of Cincinatti is from a computer conference in 1988. We stayed at a hotel over the bridge in Kentucky. Walked to a Reds game and had a great round of beer golf one night (9 beers in nine different bars, all on foot). At the time, it seemed fairly OK. But I grew up in the coal fields of Appalachia, so it's relative. Now I live in NoVa, and the humidity is pretty unbearable. Along with the traffic. And real estate prices. And...
9/7/15 7:24 p.m.
Hopefully you packed plenty of Goldstar to take back.
In reply to logdog:
I wish, we get a care package every so often to help with the cravings 
Did ya fill up on Goetta?
You're not gonna find that anywhere else!
It's weird. I live about an hour from Cincy, I even have friends who commute from there to Lexington. But I probably only get up there a couple times a year and rarely think about it.
In reply to Jerry:
I wouldn't eat that pig swill 
9/8/15 4:31 p.m.
Spent a week in Cincinnati several years ago. I picked the correct week to be there because it was 100 degrees almost every day. Meanwhile back home in Charlotte it was a comfortable 90 or so. I enjoyed my time there, lots of stuff to see and do.
In reply to ncjay:
I took my 8yo to see the house I grew up in. While we were walking around the house an accident occurred a block and a half away. That turned into a fist fight, which turned into gun shots, which turned into the police locking down every street corner while they searched for the idiots. We walked up the street to the only person that I know who still lives on that street to pass the time. He told me that one of the kids that grew up two houses away from had recently shot himself in the head, his brother had been sentenced to 30 years in prison for something. Another guy I knew that lived on the block had overdosed and a ninety year old woman who lived on the street behind ours had her home broken into and she was brutally raped a couple of years ago. So yeah, I guess there are some things to see and do in the Cincy area, but I will never be moving back. My home is long gone.
9/9/15 7:01 a.m.
In reply to Nick (Not-Stig) Comstock:
I grew up in Westwood and Cheviot. After the Navy lived again in Westwood then Amelia then Neville (don't ask) then to Covington and now to Dayton. I'm curious what part you grew up in, sounds like Westwood now.
In reply to Jerry:
I'm from Hamilton, so not technically Cincy but still subject to the stupidity.
Like almost any city, there are good areas and bad areas.
Is the exclamation point still part of the official name of the town of Hamilton!