In reply to madmallard:
May be rare, but I very much agree that many fields are quite under served right now. I'm in one of them- where the job market is so good that you can swap major companies every couple of years for a big raise. I sometimes think we need to bring back pensions to entice people to stay.
But where I differ- the idea that we are in an entited society. Or that the people rioting are doing it because they think that they deserve something.
Some of it is, sure. And some are just bad people.
But, there's a whole education problem we have, too- many, many, MANY scholaships are out there for people without means, but the education system we have does not serve them enough that they even quailify to go to school. And that ends up doing a good job feeding a system of poor people. It may appear to be easy to stay at home, do nothing, and live off of that- but when I look at that, it's more surviving than living. To the point that crime is a real alternative.
I don't know how Detroit schools got so screwed up, but they have a pretty high dollar/student ratio, yet have a pretty bad system of delivering students that qualify to go to school.
And ALL of this feeds a part of society that does not see the need for school, and does not encourage their families to go to school.
How that gets fixed, I don't know, but if that thinking can be repaired, schools will fill up, and we will get skilled trades in two years and engineers in 4-5 years. That will fix a bunch.
(a job that I can see for 5 guys- each learn enough to work on homes- lumber, plumber, electrical, etc- buy a cheap home, rennovate, and sell for enough profit to get going. Get another house in same neighborhood- do a little, sell for a little higher- before you know it, the value of the whole neighborhood is up.)