so as some of you know my family is going on a 5 month mission trip here very soon (next month)
to raise funds we're selling all kinds of stuff, A car, bikes, furniture ect ect... easiest way to do that is obviously the local CL...
i've always been hesitant to post a phone number, I KNOW people will not pay attention to the time and I can't control a lot...
so I played with the google voice and set it to "do not disturb"... specificied in the listing if i don't answer to leave a msg and i would call back... and that it can do txt (i hate texting)
so here I am getting calls at a regular interval and I don't have to worry about the phones ringing off the hook in the house but I can get those anti email people (weirdos)
anyway :) just thought i'd say how much I'm enjoying Google voice at the moment...
6/29/10 11:44 a.m.
That's a great idea. I may have to set that up next time that I'm selling something on CL.
make sure and set for do not disturb and dont have it forward the text msgs to your cell phone (if you're like me and use a prepaid cell)
can reply to text online at google voice :)... I love this thing haha
6/29/10 12:17 p.m.
Google voice has some cool uses and features, most of which I have yet to really realize or utilize.
Thanks for sharing.
Also, google has opened this product up to all. Previously it was available by request/invite only.
I was finally able to sign up today, I had put myself on the waiting list awhile back but never got an update. Thanks for the reminder donalson! 
Google Voice, when synced to my Android phone, does text to speech on the voicemails I get. Finally, now I don't have to listen to those damn pesky messages! It's decently accurate, too!
Odd, I just suggested this to my sister a few hours ago to list an apartment for rent on CL...
we'll be using the phone number while we are in Panama also so we can have people call us and we can check it when we get to a hot spot...
i liked it better when it was grand central... but I use it a lot more now (used it for my cell phone number for a while now... when I change to another throw away prepay i'm set :)