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93EXCivic SuperDork
4/8/11 2:57 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
93EXCivic wrote: It is seriously berkeleying me over. None of the contractors are hiring because they aren't sure of the funding. So much for a party that ran on jobs, jobs, jobs. Go berkeley yourself Boehner.
Dude, there are hundreds at fault, certainly not Boehner all by himself.

Then berkeley the whole GOP. There used to reasonable Republicans. Had I been able to vote a few years ago there were Republicans I would have voted for. Now that the "tea party" has taken over, that whole party has gone to E36 M3. I have so little faith left in this country it isn't even funny.

rainydave New Reader
4/8/11 2:59 p.m.

I sure wish the Dems could have gotten off their asses back in 2010 and passed a budget for 2010 - 2011 while they were in control of the House, the Senate and the White House.

Everyone seems to forget that part.

keethrax Reader
4/8/11 3:00 p.m.
pilotbraden wrote:
slefain wrote:
ReverendDexter wrote: Hi, I'm an official member of the Libertarian Party, and I support this message.
You too? Awesome. I'm just sitting back watching the Republican Party eat itself.
I am one as well.

Frankly I don't give a rat's ass which major party implodes. I'd love to see it happen to either one. It's the only route likely to actually lead to viable multiple (as in more than two) parties. If the GOP continues to run around with its head up it's ass I figure either:

1)It'll explode into multiple parties 2) It'll marginalize itself into irrelevance

Either way means the Dem's have no opposition briefly (which is bad) but then they're stuck with no boogeyman to point at, and fragmentation of that party should follow shortly thereafter (which is good).

As I said, feel free to swap GOP and Dems, I don't much care. I just think that currently the GOP is doing a somewhat better job of being stupid. I don't think anything short of a big party disaster of absolutely epic proportions will break the two party system.

I'm not saying said disaster is likely only that nothing short of that will break the two party system (sorry Libertarian Party, you're not even close) and currently the GOP is in the "lead". Sadly, odds are it will right itself enough not to blow up.

keethrax Reader
4/8/11 3:07 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote: Then berkeley the whole GOP. There used to reasonable Republicans.

There still are. There are some reasonable Dem's too. But neither of those two groups have the balls to challenge the idiots running their respective parties and so they meekly toe the party line. Which makes them at least as bad as the nutjobs, and I would argue makes them worse.

93EXCivic SuperDork
4/8/11 3:20 p.m.
keethrax wrote:
93EXCivic wrote: Then berkeley the whole GOP. There used to reasonable Republicans.
There still are. There are some reasonable Dem's too. But neither of those two groups have the balls to challenge the idiots running their respective parties and so they meekly toe the party line. Which makes them at least as bad as the nutjobs, and I would argue makes them worse.

Please show me a couple. One's I can think of have either changed to follow the tea party or have been pushed out of the party.

Duke SuperDork
4/8/11 3:30 p.m.

You definitely need to differentiate between "teabaggers" - the far right wing idiots who have allowed themselves to be created/co-opted by the various factions of the press - and the "Tea Party", who are sane people with no real social agenda who feel government size and cost need to be dramatically reduced.

tuna55 Dork
4/8/11 3:32 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
93EXCivic wrote: It is seriously berkeleying me over. None of the contractors are hiring because they aren't sure of the funding. So much for a party that ran on jobs, jobs, jobs. Go berkeley yourself Boehner.
Dude, there are hundreds at fault, certainly not Boehner all by himself.
Then berkeley the whole GOP. There used to reasonable Republicans. Had I been able to vote a few years ago there were Republicans I would have voted for. Now that the "tea party" has taken over, that whole party has gone to E36 M3. I have so little faith left in this country it isn't even funny.

You apparently didn't see my last post about the idiotic NON GOP guy. At any rate, the tea party certainly hasn't taken over. We'd be talking about reductions of 10x what they're talking about now if they had.

fast_eddie_72 Dork
4/8/11 3:44 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote: It is seriously berkeleying me over. None of the contractors are hiring because they aren't sure of the funding. So much for a party that ran on jobs, jobs, jobs. Go berkeley yourself Boehner.

I don't really blame Boehner for this. I could be a sucker, but I believe him when he says he doesn't want to do this. I still think they may put together an 11th hour deal. They're just riding it out because that's what their campaign script says. But I think he's getting a lot of pressure from his own party.

As you guys say, there are reasonable guys on both sides. But it's the ones pushing from the edges that cause the trouble. I'm not sure, but I think Boehner may be a pretty reasonable guy. A guy I don't agree with on a lot of things, but reasonable all the same.

And who knows, maybe with a bunch of hard core tea party guys making so much trouble someone will have to take make some half hearted effort to cut some tiny bit out of the budget. You know, like something more than one or two percent. I'm not holding my breath. My prediction hasn't changed. I think it'll be the trivial expenses that are rich in campaign slogans. Sure sounds like that's exactly what they're up to right now. Abortion? Um, what? Why are we talking about abortion? I though you were working on the budget. Did Obama sneak some new abortion law in there? Hey, here's an idea- if you want to outlaw abortion, do that after you pass a damn budget instead of berkeleying everyone in America to make some point that won't change anything.

93EXCivic SuperDork
4/8/11 3:45 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
93EXCivic wrote: It is seriously berkeleying me over. None of the contractors are hiring because they aren't sure of the funding. So much for a party that ran on jobs, jobs, jobs. Go berkeley yourself Boehner.
Dude, there are hundreds at fault, certainly not Boehner all by himself.
Then berkeley the whole GOP. There used to reasonable Republicans. Had I been able to vote a few years ago there were Republicans I would have voted for. Now that the "tea party" has taken over, that whole party has gone to E36 M3. I have so little faith left in this country it isn't even funny.
You apparently didn't see my last post about the idiotic NON GOP guy.

Why is defunding Planned Parenthood such a big deal? I mean a program actually helping people. Let's cut it right away. That is too much like socialism.

ReverendDexter SuperDork
4/8/11 3:46 p.m.
keethrax wrote: sorry Libertarian Party, you're not even close

slefain SuperDork
4/8/11 4:47 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote:
keethrax wrote: sorry Libertarian Party, you're not even close

Beats voting for a party you don't believe in though, even if there is no way in hell they will ever hold meaningful offices. They are also too liberal for the conservatives (more open borders, legal drugs, pro choice). I just got tired of voting for the lesser of two evils at each election. I figure the GOP will implode and there will be an actual Tea Party formed at some point as the Repubs start playing "more conservative than thou" with each other.

ReverendDexter SuperDork
4/8/11 5:01 p.m.

^^^ What he said.

I'm sick of people that vote against what they don't want, instead of voting for what they DO want.

Plus, I despise the fact that "conservative" became tied in with "Christian" in this country. Let people have their guns and their dope.

keethrax Reader
4/8/11 5:01 p.m.
slefain wrote: I figure the GOP will implode and there will be an actual Tea Party formed at some point as the Repubs start playing "more conservative than thou" with each other.

I don't think it actually will. I think it will pull it's head just far enough out of its ass to maintain the two party status quo before it actually implodes. But at this point it's more likely to do so than the Dems I think, so I can at least hope and cheer if it does.

keethrax Reader
4/8/11 5:07 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote: I'm sick of people that vote against what they don't want, instead of voting for what they DO want.

That's the one place where I have some respect for the Libertarian Party vs other "third" parties. Most others are so single issue focused (see Green party for example) that if you care about that particular issue (say the environment), one of the worst things you can do is vote for its party (Green in the case of my example).

The Libertarian Party for all its myriad of faults as a party has a broad enough philosophical platform to avoid this trap. And should we get lucky an have a big party go into the E36 M3ter, this means that if nothing else the Libertarian Party is the most poised to take some advantage of it. Which I would be thrilled by, even if I wouldn't necessarily vote for them.

fast_eddie_72 Dork
4/8/11 5:11 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote: Why is defunding Planned Parenthood such a big deal? I mean a program actually helping people. Let's cut it right away. That is too much like socialism.

Point is, if they want to get rid of it, great. I mean, not great, but they can do it if they want to. But don't shut down the Federal Government because you want to make some point. Get the budget done and they can fall back on abortion and gay marriage and illegals all they want. But get a little tic of work done before we degenerate back into that stuff again.

fast_eddie_72 Dork
4/8/11 5:16 p.m.
slefain wrote: Beats voting for a party you don't believe in though, even if there is no way in hell they will ever hold meaningful offices. They are also too liberal for the conservatives (more open borders, legal drugs, pro choice). I just got tired of voting for the lesser of two evils at each election. I figure the GOP will implode and there will be an actual Tea Party formed at some point as the Repubs start playing "more conservative than thou" with each other.

I thought that's what the Tea Party might be in the beginning. I was kind of excited about it. I heard several times that it was concerned about fiscal issues and less with social issues. But what you're describing is nothing like anything I'm seeing from anyone who describes themself as being a tea party person.

Michelle Bachman is always introduced as a Tea Party darling. She was on CNN today talking about the Planned Parenthood thing like it was a legitimate issue. And I don't think her position is any less predictable on boarders or drugs.

Tea Party has just become a different way of saying Republican. Maybe, angry Republican.

slefain SuperDork
4/8/11 5:19 p.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: Tea Party has just become a different way of saying Republican. Maybe, angry Republican.

Rabid Republican?

aircooled SuperDork
4/8/11 5:28 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote: ...I despise the fact that "conservative" became tied in with "Christian" in this country....

Neo-conservatism or NeoCons. Started with Reagan (essentially). It was a way to get religious conservatives (hey, same name!) to vote, which apparently they hadn't much before then.

Yes, fiscally conservative does not mean religiously conservative. A lot of people apparently can't fathom that.

fast_eddie_72 Dork
4/8/11 5:36 p.m.

Sounds like there's actually a lot of consensus on this board from people on both sides. I think that's the case in America at large as well. Just wish the guys in Washington could get that.

Curious- am I the only one who thinks maybe we could pay the bills a little better if 50% of Americans weren't paying zero Federal Income tax? As a guy who is paying my share, I'm not real happy about that as we dig deeper and deeper in debt.

killerkane Reader
4/8/11 7:40 p.m.
bludroptop wrote:

Over the 10 years that the Bush tax-cuts will be in effect, they will keep 7.5 trillion dollars out of the federal budget.

Problem: we don't want to pay for our government, we just want all of the benefits they offer us.

Curmudgeon SuperDork
4/8/11 8:04 p.m.

^^^ DING DING DING We have a winnar!

I got tired of the Socialist, er, Democratic party line about the time I understood what it meant to work my ass off just to see someone else game the system and suck up what I was paying for. So I went Republican because they were presenting themselves as the party of smaller government and less spending. Well, they let me down too. To me that was Dubya's biggest fail, wars be damned. He should have grown a pair and told his party to squueze off the waste. But he didn't.

So now those same Republicans who spent like drunk sailors are back in the majority and are now screaming for (little dinky) spending cuts. But they conveniently forget their policies of the preceding 8 years had a lot to do with creating the current problems and (horror of horrors, is he really saying this? ) they refuse to accept that some tax increases are going to be necessary to clean up the mess they left. Somehow I do not trust them any more than I trust the Dems. Gee, wonder why?

killerkane Reader
4/8/11 8:23 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: ^^^ DING DING DING We have a winnar! I got tired of the Socialist, er, Democratic party line about the time I understood what it meant to work my ass off just to see someone else game the system and suck up what I was paying for. So I went Republican because they were presenting themselves as the party of smaller government and less spending. Well, they let me down too. To me that was Dubya's biggest fail, wars be damned. He should have grown a pair and told his party to squueze off the waste. But he didn't. So now those same Republicans who spent like drunk sailors are back in the majority and are now screaming for (little dinky) spending cuts. But they conveniently forget their policies of the preceding 8 years had a lot to do with creating the current problems and (horror of horrors, is he really saying this? ) they refuse to accept that some tax increases are going to be necessary to clean up the mess they left. Somehow I do not trust them any more than I trust the Dems. Gee, wonder why?

Thank you here in South Dakota we pay almost nothing in taxes (no state income tax etc.), our state takes in more federal tax dollars than it pays. But our new governor refuses to raise taxes at all to pay off our debt. Instead he cuts education, highway patrol budget etc.

He's pretty stupid IMHO.

carguy123 SuperDork
4/8/11 9:46 p.m.

You guys need to read up a little more on the reason for the stalling of the budget. You see a few Democratic headlines and think that's all there is to it. That's the grandstanding that's going on.

The ability to threaten to shut down the govt or actually do it gets the hardliners off their ass to make the changes because they realize the other party is serious and if it gets out then they'll look like fools.


keethrax Reader
4/8/11 9:49 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: ^^^ DING DING DING We have a winnar! I got tired of the Socialist, er, Democratic party line about the time I understood what it meant to work my ass off just to see someone else game the system and suck up what I was paying for. So I went Republican because they were presenting themselves as the party of smaller government and less spending. Well, they let me down too. To me that was Dubya's biggest fail, wars be damned. He should have grown a pair and told his party to squueze off the waste. But he didn't. So now those same Republicans who spent like drunk sailors are back in the majority and are now screaming for (little dinky) spending cuts. But they conveniently forget their policies of the preceding 8 years had a lot to do with creating the current problems and (horror of horrors, is he really saying this? ) they refuse to accept that some tax increases are going to be necessary to clean up the mess they left. Somehow I do not trust them any more than I trust the Dems. Gee, wonder why?


carguy123 SuperDork
4/8/11 9:53 p.m.

And as to Tea Party people already having a party - the Libertarian party. Obviously not.

They've made bigger inroads in the political forum in a couple of years than the Libertarians have done in decades.

Libertarians ought to be joining the Tea Party where their votes won't be wasted.

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