So today I noticed my kitchen sink drain gave up the ghost and was leaking all unDer the sink. That is what I get for trying to do the dishes I suppose. Anyways here's my question. My sink is made out what looks like fiberglass or plastic or something. I keep reading different things about if I should use plumbers putty or silicon to put the new one in. If it matters the old one had plumbers putty with a plastic basket strainer and whatnot. It looks like the plastic part of the basket strainer is what actually failed. I just wanted to do it right so it lasts this time. Thanks for any help, you guys are the best.
I have always used plumbers putty. Had good results so far.
I would read the plumber putty container and see if there are any compatibility issues but that is what i always use.
3/29/16 3:41 p.m.
yep, never had an issue with the sink to drain or sink to garbage disposal joint with plumbers putty. I HAVE had the stupid plastic tube connections underneath leak, and if those are leaking I slather the outsides with silicone when they are dry. Not pretty but it works.
Thanks guys. Will pick up the parts tomorrow and give it a go.
Thanks guys. Will pick up the parts tomorrow and give it a go.
Plumbers putty on top, rubber and fiber gasket below. Roll it around in your hand until its soft. Plumbers joke... You Knead putty. Then roll it out into a long worm and wrap it around the part of the basket that goes thru the sink. Push down and let the putty squeeze out. Remove what comes out the bottom. Then install rubber gasket, fiber gasket, cup, nut. Tailpiece has a top hat washer. Don't forget it. Helps if you have a very large pair of slip joint pliers.
tr8todd wrote:
Plumbers putty on top, rubber and fiber gasket below. Roll it around in your hand until its soft. Plumbers joke... You Knead putty. Then roll it out into a long worm and wrap it around the part of the basket that goes thru the sink. Push down and let the putty squeeze out. Remove what comes out the bottom. Then install rubber gasket, fiber gasket, cup, nut. Tailpiece has a top hat washer. Don't forget it. Helps if you have a very large pair of slip joint pliers.
Awesome, thanks for the write up.