I could use some input on a new plan I'm building guys- I worry that I've added way too much to it like I like to do. Basically I'm shooting for a body like Infinitenexus has (sup bro!) and I hope to tailor it as I continue swimming and practicing martial arts locally with a new Jui Jitsu trainer. For now it's kind of a prototype, since for the past ~9 months I've been using a similar split like DirtyBird222 and I've really liked it, especially the 10/8/5/3 drop sets on the big lifts they did. Currently, major lifts are: Squat is up to 275x3, bench is 185x3, deadlift is 355x3. I like this 10-8-5-5-3 split for the major lifts but I do wonder if it's too much.
Some things that I've added- Kettlebell work! In particular I really like doing shoulder presses with a kettlebell instead of an overhead press because now my arm has more freedom of movement and has to stabilize. I've also added pushups and ab work into the warmup because I've always been weak there.
Some things I want to add- more calisthenics. I try to watch guys like BrolyGainz on youtube because I like the work to improve stability and the ability to do dumb E36 M3 that looks cool- but frankly his material is full of bro science (That dude I swear has 4 separate videos on semen retention).
5 Minutes on treadmill/elliptical to increase HR.
Walking Lunges
Kettlebell Halos
Wood Choppers
Monday: Legs and Shoulders
Back Squat 5 Sets 10-8-5-5-3
Kettlebell clean and press 5 sets 10-8-5-5-3
Prone Leg Curl 3 sets 12 reps
Arnold Press 3 sets 8-10 reps
Landmine Single-leg Romanian deadlift 2 sets 10-15 reps
Pistol Squat 2 sets 5-7reps per leg
Kettlebell Swing 3 sets 15 reps
Seated Calf Raise 3 sets 12-15 reps 90-100-110
One arm cable lateral Raise 3 sets 8-12 reps
DB Shrugs 3 sets 10 reps
Wednesday: Chest and Triceps
Face pulls 3 sets
Floor press (warmup to benching) 2 sets
Decline barbell bench press 3 Sets 10-8-5-5-3 135-145-155-165-185
Costal Cable Flye 3 sets 8-12 reps 25-30-35
Dips 3 sets 10 reps, no weight
Seated overhead tricep extension 3 sets 10 reps 20-25-30
Cable Tricep Kickback 2 sets
Friday: Back and Biceps
Hex/Trap Bar Deadlift
Meadow’s Row
Back extensions
Pull ups
Lat Pulldown Machine 4 sets 6-8 reps
Straight arm lat pushdown
Superset Preachers curl (Biceps) with Inverted row (Traps, Lats, biceps)
Landmine Row
Reverse Plank
Trap Bar Farmers Walk