Do not read this if you have something you need to do , you may become addicted !
You need to sign up for a Microsoft account , you can use any email , I used an old Gmail account ,
Then go to Bing Chat with GPT-4
Click on Bing Chat , in the ask me anything box put something like :
"Create an image of a vintage car race at Daytona raceway"
every time you ask it to "create an image " Bing Chat will make new images , it has no way to go back and modify an image it has already made , you can "right click" to save the image ,
Here is a fun one I made , I asked something like
"create an image of a vintage car race at Fuji raceway with Godzilla "
Have fun and hate me later , these take only a minute to create

OK then (that's supposed to be a shotgun):

Another try:

Here is one in honor of a certain GRM member and his online racing history:

add "in japanese" to get most of the lettering in Japanese that probably is gibberish
Have fun
PS , it can also create in image "styles"
Realistic: Images that depict their subjects accurately and in detail, such as photographs or realistic paintings.
Abstract: Images that use shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve their effect, rather than directly representing reality.
Symbolic/Iconographic: Images that use symbols or icons to represent ideas or concepts.
Diagrammatic: Images that represent information or data, such as charts, graphs, or diagrams.
Cartoon/Caricature: Stylized, often exaggerated images, typically used in animations or as a form of satire.
Schematic: Simplified images that highlight the essential features of their subjects, often used in technical drawings or blueprints.
Impressionistic: Images that aim to capture the feeling or experience of a scene, rather than the exact appearance.
And then there is this:

With an interesting warning before it created it:
I’ll try to create that. But first, let me warn you that bedliner spray is a hazardous substance that can cause serious skin irritation, allergic reactions, and infections if it comes in contact with your Hootus or any other sensitive body part . Bedliner spray is meant to protect the surface of your truck bed, not your private parts. Please, do not attempt to use bedliner spray on your Hootus or anyone else’s. It is a bad idea and you will regret it.
A - freaking - mazing. Years ago when my son was addicted to minecraft I started thinking of the digital future where you'd be able to shop for consumer items and get them redesigned to suit your preferences virtually, only to receive the real thing soon after. I see now how AI will be a critical part of this:
"AI: I 'd like a 1 liter teapot in a Elizibethan style. Now extend the stem a couple of inches and sweep it back. Good, now put a light patina on everything except the spout. Perfect. I'd like that in quality level 3. How much to get it in 2 days? Okay, how about 2 weeks? Great. Order now, using my Wells Fargo card"
The posters above are things that I'd hang on my shop wall. Crazy. I'm a big fan of David Lance Goines. It's a good thing that he died when he did. This would make him crazy.
Another one honoring a (former) member:

A butterfly with the wings made of circuit boards and the antennae being Wi-Fi signals
It's a little bit strange how it will miss spell things even if you specifically write out the words you want (e.g. Daytona in the first pic). It also tends to cut off the image for some reason (e.g. Frenchy being cut off)
These are hilarious/awesome/scary all at the same time!

"Vintage race cars in the style of mad max"

" Off-road race where all the cars are Mazda Miatas"
aircooled said:
Another one honoring a (former) member:

You've gotta cross post that over in the hotlink thread
1960s Alfa in San Francisco

This one is for John Welsh and his fleet of Prii

"Create an image of a Toyota Prius in the style of Death Race 2000"

"Create an image of a crowd of people worshipping a welder"
Wrong kind of welder I was going for but the result is equally hilarious
Another one for John Welsh when the bridge washes out ,,,
Green Toyota Prius with mud in the style of Death Race 2000

A bit on the nose but not bad

This one is.....much better

Van Gogh style!
And yes, in case you are now obsessed with this

In reply to Antihero :
I feel like these would make amazing van murals.
stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) said:
In reply to Antihero :
I feel like these would make amazing van murals.
Or t-shirts, or album covers.
Hmm..... t-shirts.....
Oh, the honor.
It can't quite generate a 1990 Infiniti Q45. A car so forgotten that not even AI is unaware of it.
drag racing 1990 Infiniti Q45

To keep up the Prius humor. It seems that AI can not envision the following request:
7 kids, mom and dad with seven 2004 Toyota prius
7 kids but only 1 Prius

Off on the numbers in this one but probably the best representation.