Not that i didn't have fun.... but can we please not do that again?
I couldn't see a thing to pass anyone, and when i came up to pass someone i was too paranoid about hitting them to the point where i'd go too wide around them and end up just spinning myself. 
I believe Trial Mountain is next? You're all going down. This has been my favorite track since GT3. 
Nope, deep forest is next.
as far as trial mountain... I do most of my testing there 
Apexcarver wrote:
Nope, deep forest is next.
as far as trial mountain... I do most of my testing there
Oh hell... that's where i do all my testing, too. This will be interesting. 
4/21/11 8:58 a.m.
I like Deep Forest. I like Trial Mt except that last turn. Hopefully, I will be able to make the races next week. Bummed that I missed this week. Almost got there in time for the MX5 race. Only 3 laps too late.
In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac: I know the feeling 92Celica. I was going crazy thinking "the group ahead of me is very likely to end up in a pile at the end of this straight and if I don't let off early I'll end up in the same pile or become the pile instigator. Besides, I can't see my braking point anyway."
Yes, it was fun last night . . . more enjoyable than Monza rain, in my opinion.
Trial Mountain is my favorite track too. It's my first choice when I want to test and tune a car or just have fun. That's especially true when there's no penalty for short cutting. It's fun to get airborne over the grass @ T2, land, brake, and set up for the 1st. tunnel turn.
Deep Forest, not so much fun. There are so many sections where you can get it just a little bit wrong and loose so much time. Got to work on that one.
Question re. Deep Forest: there's a large concrete patch to the left of a left hand turn around T3 I guess. A penalty will ensue if you get all 4 wheels to the left of the curbing, right? I habitually cut that corner racing in AI events.
Re Last nights race:
Brad, I thought I was going to be able compete with you in SBC but you really got it together and I noticed the gap consistently increaseing after about lap two all the way to the end.
You guys are really challenging me to try to get better at this game. It blows my mind at how much faster aircooled is. Did I see the finish differential correctly? Nick, did you finish just over 2 sec. behind ac in MX5? Again I forgot to save the replay. I'd love to be able to watch the MX5 race.
As those who hung around last night to get a little practice in @ DF you may have noticed my car was sliding badly. I wasn't improving so I said goodnight and went to a practice session. The first thing I found was that I was on comfort soft tires instead of sm. That and a few tweaks to my settings made a world of difference. The series of esses from T2 to the uphill approaching the long tunnel is I believe the key to a fast lap. I haven't found the line for it yet that's for sure.
4/21/11 10:01 a.m.
In reply to Graefin10:
I watched most of the MX5 race. Didn't save the replay. Nick was within striking distance of Aircooled most of the time. Then there was a decent gap and there was a good battle for 3rd between yourself and Apex. I mostly swapped back and forth between watching those two battles. Not nearly as fun watching as it is racing though.
That tire choice explains a lot! While it must have been frustrating for you, it made me feel better. 
Interesting racing last night. SBC was kind of boring for me. I knew the Europa might pull the start, but who knew it was a rally car!? I think I was 10 seconds ahead on the first lap. I guess traction is king. Brad seemed to do very good in the Mini, the HP gap didn't hurt him here.
MX5 was a lot more exciting. At one point I looked at the rear view and saw a massive snow cloud behind me, it must have been hell following someone at speed.
I started out quick and thought I had a good solid lead going. Then I noticed that Nick seemed to be catching up, clearly he was finding speed some where I wasn't, so I had to pick it up. He did get within 2 seconds at one point, and it would have been interesting to see if he could have passed me (I am sure the inability to see would not have slowed him down much, he is a bit brave that way).
One thing I did discover in my panic to say ahead of Nick was that the sweeping turn near the end (with the open part inside), turn 21, could be taken at almost full speed if you did it right. Swing wide on entry, get the tail to point in the right direction, then hammer down. You could probably also take the big banked corner without letting off at all if you were willing to do a bit of wall sliding (I never did try that).
The damage during the race seemed to be very lax. I never got any damage, and I did manage to smack the wall a bit a few times. I could see how you could improve you lap times by doing a bit of bumper driving. I have to say, I enjoy the high damage setting much more, it much more rewarding to drive that way.
Hey, I finally got one on Nick, and I didn't even have to boot him to do it!
Pics should be fun. I suspect we will see a few airborne shots!
Nick and I's battle in SBC was interesting... Not to beat him down, but i think i was a good amount faster than him, but every time i got up to him or passed him, i was too paranoid about spinning him and ended up spinning myself. 
I think if the Celica was driven with a wheel, it would have been a force to be reckoned with in the SBC race. Even with the tarmac setup, it was pretty damn fast, just let down by a timid and inconsistent driver with a controller.
Graefin10 wrote:
Brad, I thought I was going to be able compete with you in SBC but you really got it together and I noticed the gap consistently increaseing after about lap two all the way to the end.
I was hoping to compete for the the win. But after about 3 corners I gave up on that hope. The Mini was vastly different on snow than any other course so far. I had to be driven with aggression not patience. I would fly into corners at full tilt and hit the brakes to create oversteer and then just use the wheel and throttle to come out. I changed my brake bias to F:0 / R:7 to allow me to compete. I was happy with second. I think my best lap was still 7 seconds slower than air's average lap.
With this drive style, you can imagine that it is easy to get it wrong. I looped it the first 3 laps before I got my rhythm right all the way around. Without looping I was able to hold and minimally expand the gap.
On the downside of my 2nd place finish in SBC was the cost to the MX5 race. I was 2nd again... 2nd to last. My brain couldn't make the full transition to the different drive styles between the cars. I was pretty close to coming in dead last. I looped it pretty hard and lap 7 and decided that I would attempt to keep the extra point, so I dialed it back to about 75% pace and finished. I was disappointed with my effort in MX5.
aircooled wrote:
I knew the Europa might pull the start, but who knew it was a rally car!?
I would say it has a bit to do with the driver as well.
BradLTL wrote:
....On the downside of my 2nd place finish in SBC was the cost to the MX5 race.....
This actually worked in my favor. I was fully expecting to get pummeled in MX5 since I practiced SBC far more. But the driving style of the Europa, keep the ass under control, no big slides (as apposed to the wild tail swinging action of the RWD SBC cars) was actually pretty similar to the way the MX5 liked to be driven. The grip was also pretty similar, but I did note that the MX5 stopped a lot better (bigger tires?)
You could hang the tail out on the MX5 with power, but it didn't seem like the fast way to go, and actually a pretty good way of slowing down while pushing you into the corner.
I can see how the Mini would be WILDLY different.
4/21/11 4:02 p.m.
I've run into that problem as well. I mostly spend time with practice and setup for SBC, and I find it hard to adjust to the MX5. Not only are the braking points wildly different, but the lines and driving styles are as well. The last course I really tried to figure out the MX5 was SS5.
awwww shucks Air and Ben
Yeah it was crazy fun.
TJ, Graefin and I had some fun testing at Deep Forest.....if you want to call testing in my case because my Isuzu looked NO DIFFERENT in the corners then at Chamonix hahaha
It'll be interesting since I finally have a track to show my new improved GT-R and well MX5 I do well
4/21/11 8:34 p.m.
The view from inside the car might've looked the same, but there was a lot more tire smoke at Deep Forest than Chamonix.
we race cars, not canoes
Although........I could use a good handbag for all my detailing junk
I know that Kaz said motorcycles were possible in GT5, I wonder if he could make canoes happen? We can race them in the next series.
When we get through with this series I think I'll keep this old POS.
hmmm., not sure if this will sow up as a link or not??
T.J. wrote:
In reply to yeren5:
Nice tie-in, TJ. GT5 has a '67 Cougar and you managed to find one with a canoe on it. 
4/22/11 9:56 a.m.
I took that pic from a Trans Am you tube video someone posted a link to last week or so. I think it was the '69 Trans Am season. This shot was just a couple frames, but when I saw it I knew I had to save it.
4/22/11 10:31 a.m.
Graefin10 wrote:
When we get through with this series I think I'll keep this old POS.
After a series, I share my cars online. In case anyone wants to have a go and see how they or their car compare. I think of it as my personal Race Car Museum, not that it is that great. Right now I have my GT350 and S2000 online. After this series, I'll put the Mini and MX5 up in complete race trim from the last event.
In reply to BradLTL:
Did you see that video of the Cosmo maxed out @ Apricot Hill? Pretty impressive I thought. Hey, I'll be glad to do that too (share cars) but I'll either have to read the manual to see how or someone can tell me. I can't figure out a lot of things about being on-line with th PS and GT5. I need an 8 yr. old kid to teach me this stuff. I have no background at all in computers or in their use. What little I know is by searching and digging.
For some reason, my system keeps getting booted off line and when I log on it says there's an error. For some reason it won't let me log on right now.
HELP!! Gotta get this straightened out b4 next Wed.
4/22/11 10:56 a.m.
Verify I have the correct results, then please begin Championship smack talk with just a few rounds remaining and drops not accounted for yet.