In reply to T.J.:
Instead of swapping parts, add a little weight. Maybe move it toward the front tires on those MR cars.
Grizz, I wonder how the Rufs would do with some ballast up front? Careful not to run the power and weight too radical, but a little ballast in some cars actually helps lap times. Warning! I screwed up one of my favorite cars buy maxing out the power and adding aero then weight. It took so much weight that it slowed the car a second or so
I was going to buy and build another one but in the mean time I started getting better in some of my other cars. The lesson is, take small steps, not giant leaps.
This morning I got a Ferarri down to competitive times. So that's 5 cars @ 600PP that will run withing 2 seconds of each other. IMO PP works!!
My internet seems to be fine this morning. I don't know what happened last night but it was all bizarre and too long a story to tell here but after rebooting the modem and router and turning everything off it was normal this morning.
Grizz wrote:
I think it's safe to say the GT5 Calculator works.
Danke to Brad for pointing it out to me.
It does a good job of getting to a stable baseline. I don't think I've ever just run exactly what it tells me, but it is a million better than starting from the defaults. Also, it usually tells me to do impossible things with the springs. For example, on my RoC car, it told me to set the rear springs to 25.8... problems the highest it goes on the car is like 20.
But yes, if you are struggling to get a car to handle the way you like, GT5Calc does a good job on getting you started.
Graefin10 wrote:
IMO PP works!!
Go run a few laps in your Z06 RM and get back to me on that one.
BradLTL wrote:
Graefin10 wrote:
IMO PP works!!
Go run a few laps in your Z06 RM and get back to me on that one.
No time right now, and I don't know why you suggested that because I just got through running about 10K laps with it, but let me rephrase my opinion.
Since I have built 5 cars that run within 2 seonds of each other, (some with very quick builds), at Moonshiners Run, and all of them are capable of running under 2:30, In my OPINION, PP has worked FOR ME, not necessarily for everyone, to prepare for this race.
I've only tried four cars so far.
Lambo Gallardo LP4-640
Lexus LF-A
3rd gen RX7
The Gallardo is pretty quick, but i can't seem to string together a good lap to get it under 2:30.
The RX8 defies physics and as long as i can hold it together (it likes 3rd gear drifts), will absolutely go under 2:30 with only 568pp.
Grizz will pull on me on the straights but there's a few corners where i come up on him in a HURRY in this car.
The LF-A is just insane. Only at 580pp right now, but holy hell it's fast. I'm reasonably sure it's a 2:25 car, but i'm having a bit of a hard time keeping it together going balls out with the controller.
The RX7 is a lost cause. Too light, likes to fly everywhere, and by the time you get it to stick (ballast) it's too slow.
I hated the track the first 10 laps i did of it, but now that i'm starting to learn it, it's kindof fun. That one off-camber blind sweeper is lots of fun to pitch in a little sideways at the top of 4th gear.
Graefin10 wrote:
No time right now, and I don't know why you suggested that because I just got through running about 10K laps with it, but let me rephrase my opinion.
I suggested it because the Z06 has a PP rating of around 625ish (depending on downforce settings) and runs slower laps than you 600PP cars. Certainly, it works some scenarios, but it can also be exploited.
I would suspect if I had given you Power/Weight restrictions you would have been able to get 5 cars close in performance as well.
Yeah the game takes downforce into consideration, and the Z06 RM has lots of it. But that doesn't help so much on this track, just creates drag.
Match the Z06 downforce to what you're seeing out of the other cars (0 front, 20 rear i think), and i bet it'd be closer.
In reply to Graefin10:
(From awhile back)
This might be what you are looking for:

8/24/11 9:39 a.m.
Graefin10 wrote:
Grizz, I wonder how the Rufs would do with some ballast up front? Careful not to run the power and weight too radical, but a little ballast in some cars actually helps lap times. Warning! I screwed up one of my favorite cars buy maxing out the power and adding aero then weight. It took so much weight that it slowed the car a second or so
I tried adding weight, but I would have had to add 200 kg to get to 50/50 weight distribution, and it really didn't help the car.
BradLTL wrote:
It does a good job of getting to a stable baseline. I don't think I've ever just run exactly what it tells me, but it is a million better than starting from the defaults. Also, it usually tells me to do impossible things with the springs. For example, on my RoC car, it told me to set the rear springs to 25.8... problems the highest it goes on the car is like 20.
But yes, if you are struggling to get a car to handle the way you like, GT5Calc does a good job on getting you started.
Normally I start at with that and improve, but the BTR works so well that I've kept the suspension bits the same and fiddled with camber, ride height, and toe. And yeah, I noticed that part as well, I think most of the tunes I had for the G4 were write offs because they wanted me to put the front suspension at 1 something and it only goes to 2 or 3.
yeah, i'm on the same boat as much of you lol Ben, yeah, I have the same problems with my RX's too
who knows what i'll run!
8/24/11 10:31 a.m.
I hope to be able to make it tonight. I went from totally meh about the ROC a weel ago to now I am really looking forward to it. Have to make some important life decisions tonight though involving a job change and relocation. Might miss out on this one.
8/24/11 10:34 a.m.
In reply to Graefin10:
I've already added weight. I'll look at how much room there is for more. I'm sitting at 49F 51R weight distribution right now. I still haven't broken 2:30 barrier yet, but can get pretty close. No real idea on tire life as I don't think I've really run more than 3 laps on one set of tires.
My cataract surgery is scheduled for next Tue. morning. I wonder if I can drive SS7 with one eye?
If it looks like I can Wed. afternoon, I'll be there with my red BMWs and my good eye. Actually the Surgeon said she was surprised that my vision is as good as it is because I have a flim developing over my new lens in my right eye. She said it too can be fixed if it gets worse with lazer surgery. I sure will be glad when this is over and I have new glasses.
Brad, that controller looks interesting, thanks. Just looking at it though, I'm not sure how it works. It may be that you configure it for the game you intend to play with it.
After I have lunch, I'll go give my Z06 a try @ MR. Should be interesting. I was actually surprised that all 5 of the cars I built for this race were so close in performance. If you recall, I told you guys about the group who race 450PP in a different class every night of the week. I've entered some races and watched some and it's interesting to see what they show up with that is competitive. There's usually a big variation of cars all running competitve times. Hey when we build for a class we're all looking for that "unfair advantage" aren't we?
I know I am teh suck at this, and slower than the rest of you guys, but damn! I'm WAY off the pace on this.My best was 2:35, averaging 2:40, offline. Online, I'm even slower yet. 
8/24/11 3:39 p.m.
I've yet to crack 2:30 with any car on that course.
Addendum: any legal car.
8/24/11 3:43 p.m.
Me, neither. I think my best lap with a legal car is a 2:33 or so. I know there are a few corners where I am slow, but I don't plan on really learning them any better by tonight. Going to have to go with a slow and steady approach, try to avoid damage, and baby the tires.
I will have to check out my RUF and see if I am missing something (560pp). I would take you up on the CTR2 Brad, but we are a bit late time wise (I should have asked earlier). I also noticed the BTR seemed to be pretty nice on tires considering it's tail wagging.
I had a somewhat interesting series idea that most should be able to relate to: AutoX. The idea would be to set up some sort of Custom course, then Reset the course before the race so that it is completely changed! If it turns out to be too crazy, maybe allow a few practice laps. Anyway, just an idea.
Brad: Have you messed with the Connection Quality setting? I am not sure what it does, but I suspect setting it lower would allow bad connections to stay connected easier (with the probable downside of seeing Glitching).
Also, are you able to setup the room tonight, or do you want me to set it up?
BradLTL wrote:
Graefin10 wrote:
IMO PP works!!
Go run a few laps in your Z06 RM and get back to me on that one.
OK, I did. All I changed was the gearing. Here are the rusults: L1-2:31.7; L2-2:35.2 (ran off course); L3-2:25.2. The PP on my car was 618. I expected it to be a little faster and L3 definitely was. The suspension, gearing, and possibly the downforce should be changed for best performance. I think there's up to 2 sec. left in it.
I think this is of interest - the lb./hp for the Z06 and my 5 cars listed pretty much in the order of performance are:
Z06 - 4.25
Car 1 - 3.96
Car 2 - 3.93
Car 3 - 4.22
Car 4 - 4.59
Car 5 - 4.27 (this would move up a spot with more time)
The point of all this is that hopefully we will learn whether or not we want to use PP in the future. Neither regulation is always going to be a perfect indicator of performance because there are too many other variables, such as: driver; set up; and course. However, in my opinion, both can come close to creating parity.
I've found a car that I'm pretty consistant and comfortable with. This should be fun.
That it seems to be easy on tires is a bonus, too. 
Room is up... 1472 6118 3658 4759 9104
8/24/11 10:09 p.m.
What happened and who won the ROC? I had to go take care of my son so I parked it. Missed all the fun. Almost got in on the saloon race, but was in the wrong car and couldn't enter. Got back in time to see the countdown to start at 20 seconds.
The race started with the 4WD GTR and Subaru(?) blasting to the front. But that did not last for too long. They could not hold off the super cornering Ford GT for long though. I was WAY faster then them in the sweeping corners. I must have been 20-40 mph faster is some cases. I could also see that Apex was eating up tires in the GTR.
I eventually got to the front and decided I had enough tire to make it all the way. The GT did pretty good with tires and was pretty fast in tire conservation mode. I would have probably run a RUF if I had one that would work (my BTR will not go past 560 pp) but the GT worked out.
A fun race in general, I came to appreciate the course, there are lots of spots on that course to make up time.
The GT and Saloon practice races were quite drift-o-matic!!! I think we have a new front contender though! Grea is looking very impressive. My only hope is that my accidentally running SS in the GT race means I can run faster. Grea and I had a hell of a dual in Saloon in identical BMW's but my car was pretty wicked in the banked corners and that eventually bit me.
I have some pic I can post later.
I wish i had stayed in it on the start of the ROC. I wasn't expecting the Pink Lexus to tear down everyone like that. Got near the front, then dropped back to avoid traffic.
ONE mistake could really cost you on that track... i was bearing down on Graef for 3rd place for about half of the race, then it all went bad around lap 6, and i smacked a wall and ended up running a 3:03 that lap to get in the pits. 
There were a few places on that track that the RWD cars were blatantly faster. I found myself braking hard in the middle of turns a few times to avoid buttberkeleying the car in front of me as i came up on it 20-40mph faster like Air said.
I thought i was going to be running the Jaaaaaaaaaaaaag in the Saloon race, but that's going to be a bad idea. I was out of tire by the end of lap 3.
It was all bad. MASSIVE drifting action, though.